[Spoiler Alert] About the endings


Do you want more RPGs with happy endings?

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Like I said, it's possible you really did kill her.
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Skippy isn't a real person. Just like the coke machine that talks. If you have Technical high enough, you find out that some talking programs are just that advanced.
With that mindset, cyber-V is not a real person either or delamain.

I am astonished to what lengths you are willing to bend the narrative so it fits your mind.
With that mindset, cyber-V is not a real person either or delamain.

Life is life.

Its the difference between Siri and R2D2. The game makes it clear there's sentient programs and chatbots.

Skippy isn't alive. I'm sorry.


Besides, my Skippy switched to headshots and murder because he got sick of my pacifism.
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He never saw Molly again.

The irony of Neuromancer is that Wintermute creates a Digital Case that lives happily forever in an immortal paradise with his dead girlfriend.

Its Flesh Case that fucks up his chance at happiness.
Its the difference between Siri and R2D2. The game makes it clear there's sentient programs and chatbots.

Skippy isn't alive. I'm sorry.


Besides, my Skippy switched to headshots and murder because he got sick of my pacifism.
Well if we are bringing real life and funny robots from a piece of fiction into the same discussion...

No. It really has no sense talking to you about anything, because you bend the lore so it fits your ideas, you compare siri (a real life AI) with droids from star wars and ignore delamain.

No really. Have fun.
Well if we are bringing real life and funny robots from a piece of fiction into the same discussion...

No. It really has no sense talking to you about anything, because you bend the lore so it fits your ideas, you compare siri (a real life AI) with droids from star wars and ignore delamain.

No really. Have fun.

I'm utterly confused. What don't you understand about my argument?

It's not like you don't know what I'm talking about. Regina flat out SAYS that Skippy is non-sentient. So you know what I mean and why I make the comparison.

I don't get it. Why are you on the forums if not to discuss things?

As for the talking vending machine that has no soul (and is not an AI like Delamain):

Mind you, I'd prefer not to discuss "AI are not real people" because it's not true in the setting.
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I see more and more people ask on steam and reddit, how if Relic can rewrite DNA why not rewrite V DNA back, i mean plot hole right there, hey this relic can do this but he can't save your life again since reasons.

Also someone say why V is sad when she lear she have limited time to live when her best friend just die, well everyone want to live, no matter if you are doctor or cop or what ever you want to live it is normal thing.
I see more and more people ask on steam and reddit, how if Relic can rewrite DNA why not rewrite V DNA back, i mean plot hole right there, hey this relic can do this but he can't save your life again since reasons.

Also someone say why V is sad when she lear she have limited time to live when her best friend just die, well everyone want to live, no matter if you are doctor or cop or what ever you want to live it is normal thing.

Well I imagine that Arasaka plans to do that eventually. They'll eventually make you another chip and put you in a new body.

Not sure about Alt.

She's able to sever Johnny and you from each other but I'm not sure she can do much about the Relic.
Well I imagine that Arasaka plans to do that eventually. They'll eventually make you another chip and put you in a new body.

The original relic is damaged, though, and can't be removed in V or modified without killing them.

Yeah but they say DNA need to match so they would need someone from V bloodline and close one, also what about that person then are they going to kill her just so they can put you in and that is big if, also as some one pointed other companis already altered DNA so you can probably save your body that way, this is big plot hole hey this relic do stuff now but in next moment it can't do that.
Aaaand modding community, at least on Nexus, don't give a shit about endings. They haven't mods for that, they didn't even had mod request for it until i made one yesterday. And this request is completely ignored now, and more recent mod request gets all the attention.

I think you overestimate what modders can do within the limits of the available game engine.

Mods are for stuff like changing the camera, cfg files, sharpening textures and stuff like that. A voiced and animated extra ending is completely out of reach of any modders.
Also Arasaka, why would they really care about you ? just one more merc that die for them, Takamura is piss when we kill Oda and he know Oda would kill us in that fight with out second thought.

Why they would hold on to their promise?
Yeah but they say DNA need to match so they would need someone from V bloodline and close one, also what about that person then are they going to kill her just so they can put you in and that is big if, also as some one pointed other companis already altered DNA so you can probably save your body that way, this is big plot hole hey this relic do stuff now but in next moment it can't do that.

I dunno, do they? Johnny and V can merge fine.
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Also Arasaka, why would they really care about you ? just one more merc that die for them, Takamura is piss when we kill Oda and he know Oda would kill us in that fight with out second thought.

Why they would hold on to their promise?

Hanako is like Goro in that she thinks Arasaka is the good guys. She buys into all that honor and family crap.

I think you overestimate what modders can do within the limits of the available game engine.

Mods are for stuff like changing the camera, cfg files, sharpening textures and stuff like that. A voiced and animated extra ending is completely out of reach of any modders.

I disagree, check Happy Ending mod for ME3)
Right, and the worst part of it is zero attention to mod request. If people there really wanted better endings, endings mod request would have much more attention. Alas, that's not the case.

But they are not happy with them either.
New people arriving here every day is a pretty solid hint.

Does not matter. Game is busted on Xbox. Cyberware and hacks are not working anymore.
Might as well get my refund and move on.
Right, and the worst part of it is zero attention to mod request. If people there really wanted better endings, endings mod request would have much more attention. Alas, that's not the case.

This has nothing to do with people not wanting better endings, but with how complicated it would be to take a custom game engine apart, learn how it works and integrate professionally done, additional assets. And all of this without access to the source code.

99% of the available mods are tweaks to the ini and cfg files and some simple lua scripts and UI changes.

Just look at the poll here, like 9.4% are happy with the endings, that's an abyssmal number. And the survey size grows daily.
This has nothing to do with people not wanting better endings, but with how complicated it would be to take a custom game engine apart, learn how it works and integrate professionally done, additional assets.

99% of the available mods are tweaks to the ini and cfg files and some simple lua scripts and UI tweaks.

Just look at the poll here, like 9.4% are happy with the endings, that's an abyssmal number. And the survey size grows daily.
Yes, here, but i doubt it's correct to extrapolate here on there. Again, i think that if people of Nexus would want ending mod, there would be a lot more requests and comments about it. Like, "we want better endings, please make them". But no, silence. And do you see any formed and voiced protest anywhere except here? Reddit, YouTube and social networks have mixed opinions at best. No articles in the Internet, no news about people discontent with endings, no cake spam of CD Project HQ, no petitions on Change.org. We are the sole island of protest among vast ocean of not giving a damn(
There is a gaping hole between the AI Alt and Arasaka endings and nothing in between except suicide.

As I said weeks ago, the Blackwall mission is where the game's story really starts falling apart:

AI Alt: Besides, I'm gonna flatline you and turn you into an engram.

V: Great plan. Let's do this.

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