The Living World of The Witcher 3

Reading that ecosystem article again, it looks as though we may have to compete with deer for the herbs for our potions? That'd be a subtle detail.
Kill all the wolves, and the deer population will start to grow. Presumably, making changes to the food chain on the plant level (such as deforesting a whole area) would have consequences as well.
Choices and consequences have been the focus of the two previous games: the responsibilities of a hero, who must shoulder the burden of his powers, because he chooses to use them in the world. This could become quite complicated, if they've extended these choices and consequences to the interaction with the very birds, beasts, and plants. Mere musings, of course.
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Although all the ideas above would really great to have i doubt the system goes that deep. Being able to affect something even not to such extent, is really great though.
Although all the ideas above would really great to have i doubt the system goes that deep. Being able to affect something even not to such extent, is really great though.

I agree just the fact that we can control animal population in certain areas is pretty amazing. I mean think of how many games have that. Now think of how many open world rpg games have it. I'm sure there maybe be some but I can't think of one.
I agree just the fact that we can control animal population in certain areas is pretty amazing. I mean think of how many games have that. Now think of how many open world rpg games have it. I'm sure there maybe be some but I can't think of one.

Yea it's really great that there things like that in the game. Monsters killing their prey, wolves attacking roaming npc's, griffins flying around in the distance and attacking stuff, it all sounds truly great. Of course it's gonna be limited and i understand that, you can only do so much when you have to focus on so many other things as well.
Ay, there are sure to be limits to the influence of actions. It would take far too long to programme all the possible variables and consequences.
Yea it's really great that there things like that in the game. Monsters killing their prey, wolves attacking roaming npc's, griffins flying around in the distance and attacking stuff, it all sounds truly great. Of course it's gonna be limited and i understand that, you can only do so much when you have to focus on so many other things as well.

Indeed I think the word ambitious gets tossed around a bit too much. This game is the definition of the word imo. It has done nothing but try an succeed in almost all areas. I absolutely adored TW2 it had flaws sure. I will be honest though I never could have predicted the amount of insane effort that went into this game. Ask anybody else in open world rpg game development to hand make/write everything. On top of everything else it's truly awe-inspiring.
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Some of them look in quite often. I imagine they enjoy the admiration we express for their long efforts. . . .
Some of them look in quite often. I imagine they enjoy the admiration we express for their long efforts. . . .

As they should. These devs are unbelievable. They go above and beyond for there fans. An challenge themselves to not only meet expectations but exceed them.
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I was talking to a colleague (I've managed to get them all pretty interested in the game, it wasn't very hard :p), and we were discussing the attention to detail seen in W3 that just isn't present in (most) other games. From the lack of lazy quest design (*cough* DA:I *cough*), to the subtle details, that while individually a player may not be cognizant of, but as an amalgam gives the world an authenticity. Anything from Roach eating apples in a bucket to the blemishes on a character's face.

Even looking at the amount of NPC models and clothing apparent in the W3 is a feat in itself. Many current FPS games have a select few NPC heads, let alone a world with thousands of inhabitants. It's quite extraordinary the amount of hard work that has gone into this.
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