I'm going to play devil's advocate here and say what many are thinking but are too afraid to say:
My worst fears have come to pass with this sequel. I was hoping for a dual/protagonist option, or the option to change the gender of the MC for TW4. It seems the devs have allowed identity politics to affect their creative decisions here. I guess I can't blame them for making this decision since it was made years ago, when everyone was idealistic about woke culture and thought it would make them a tonne of money. That's not the case anymore.
Why do I think all this? Well, from a narrative perspective Ciri becoming a Witcher makes zero sense, if it did, Sapowski would have made her one in the books - but he didn't. Why would Ciri, with all her immense powers, ever need to go through the Witcher trials and risk her life to attain powers that are lesser than what she already has? It makes absolutely no sense.
There is only one logical explanation for their decision to make Ciri the protagonist this time around: identity politics, i.e. they needed a "badass" female protagonist that can mirror Geralt, and since there are none in the books, they decided to go with the apparent "fan" favourite, Ciri, without realising that she's only a fan favourite because she was uniquely NOT a witcher and was her own character. All that goes out the window now since they've turned her into female Geralt - just another generic tokenised character to carry a political message rather furthering the plot or world building.
The game series has taken far too many liberties here, and whilst I was ok with the changes made in TW3, this decision is taking it too far. They should've done a community check on this idea before going forward with it.