Things you would like fixed in The Witcher 2.

Sil1 said:
I hate to sound like a broken record here, and lets be honest the list of fixes we would like is just way too long to be posted on a single post or even multiple ones. And we just tend to mention the same things over and over, but unless I'm very much mistaken I don't believe anyone has mentioned anything about the food- its classed as junk.

Why the fuck was it too hard to class it as a consumable. On the harder difficulties in TW1 I would occasionally eat food after a tough fight, even if I had white Raffard's or swallow on me. But in TW2 what was the intended purpose? Only the innkeepers sell them. You can't harvest any food, and you can't even find it lying around in peoples houses for those who would rather sell it. With the outrageous costs of any items again compared to TW1, and the occasional urgent need for health replenish why did the developers leave all the food as nothing but purchasable junk?

Maybe they had intentions to implement food as a consumable, but in the current game there really is no need for it, as health regenerates much faster than it did in TW1. Having food make it regenerate faster still would risk unbalance in the system imo. Your potions already do that. I'm not sure why they included it.
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