Tungdilboindil;n7863910 said:
I don't think Toussaint will ever be a standalone faction, it's part of the nilfgaard empire, just a bit more indipendent region, kind of like temeria if ng wins the war.
I believe we will see sooner or later a fourth leader for each faction, with Anna Henrietta being the fourth of Nilfgaard.
Personally I think discussing a new leader for each faction a bit more interesting (The only new faction I can see interesting, because it leaves tons of liberty to the devs, it's zerrikania+ofier, but maybe it would be a bit too far from the lore (i don't know how much informations we have about them beside HoS)).
Back to the fourth leader, a fourth one for NR might be Demavend (Aedirn king).
A new leader for scoia'tael could be saskia. (the card which is now named Saskia would be renamed to Saesenthessis and will keep the art, while the leader cards would be named Saskia and would use the human form as art).
New Leaders i'm sure are coming. I think for Nilf... Empress Cirilla. For Scoia.. maybe Lady of the Lake (from TW1). North... Cyrus Hemmelfart or Demavend. Monsters... Auberon Muircetach. And for Skellige... Probably one or both an Craite children (Cerys & Hjalmar) as Leader versions? Although I dont know why you would have Gold and Leader versions of a unit.
I think they should probably look to seriously increase the number of existing cards in each faction as well (given how you only really see maybe 3 or so types of decks played now).
MONSTERS are easy because of the extra monsters in Toussaint. They could also expand the vampires... as there are numerous types. Ghost in the Tree would be a good Gold card. A bunch of the Night/Noonwraithes (ie Jenny o' the Woods). Anabelle (Pesta). Ignis Fatuus. Fugas. Morkvarg. Ogg/Pogg/Rogg. Allgod. Salma Lilith (succubus in brothel). Djinn units.
NORTH is easy with a ton of content behind it. Tamara Strenger + Graden. Caleb Menge. The Pellar. Vegelbuds. Count Tybalt. Declan Leuvaarden (TW1). Felicia Cori. Witch Hunters. Hubrecht. Jad Karadin. Horst Borsodi. Maarten. Joachim von Gratz. Marcus TK Hodgson. Maria Louissa La Valette (Foltest's mistress), Ulrich. Mislav. Marquise Serenity.
NILF Ambassador Von Hinn. Vattier de Riedeaux. Carthia van Canten. Assire var Anahid. Rosa var Attre. Harmon aep Groenekan. Havar var Moehoen. Hendrik.
SCOIA Elihal. Casimir Bassi. Caesar Bilzen. Eveline Gallo. Hugo Hoff. Giacomo Cianfanelli. Ida Emean aep Sivney. Vernossiel. Vienne. Eibhaer Hattori.
SKELLIGE Artis. Eyvind+white whale. Folan. Djenge Frett. Gremist. Hammond. Holger Blackhand. Jorund. Priestesses of Freya. Druids.
NEUTRAL Independant Gold versions of Vezimir, Eskel, Lambert. Uma. Adela. Corinne Tilly. Detlaff van der Eretein. Ewald Borsodi. Gaetan. Aiden. Kiyan. Traveling traders.
But I still think Toussaint would be a great faction... Yes, it's technically under Nilf rule, but it runs completely independently with its own Dukes/Duchesses, Barons, etc. They have their own culture, traditions, guards, army/knights, economy, etc... honestly I think it makes perfect sense. I do like the Ofieri/Zerikania idea but the problem is there is so little lore/substance/content that they would literally have to start making things up out of nowhere. The bronze cards would be easy enough, but when you get to Silver or Gold, how many non-obscure characters are there really? The Prince, that prince before he turned into the sewer toad, the Mage who came to rescue him and captured Geralt, the 2 Ofieri merchants you meet... and that's all about I can come up with. And we don't even know what the Prince and royalty looked like.