Toussaint Deck cards (Ideas and request to CD Projekt Red)

Meh, I've already started a similar thread :p

As for Toussaint - I don't think there's really a necessity of creating the separate deck for characters from this duchy. Remember that Nilfgaardian deck is undergoing major changes and will have more place for characters from provinces and vassal kingdoms. Toussaintois would constitute important part of it, and Anarietta would certainly make the perfect leader alongside Emhyr.
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It would be nice to see other "weather" cards than just rain, fog or frost. Skellige Storm is new, but basically it's only common weather. If they plan to do new deck sometimes, it could definitely use whole new "weather" cards. Although then we might need new "clear weather" too which would be available in every deck.
It would be nice to see other "weather" cards than just rain, fog or frost. Skellige Storm is new, but basically it's only common weather. If they plan to do new deck sometimes, it could definitely use whole new "weather" cards. Although then we might need new "clear weather" too which would be available in every deck.
Clear skies is very common ,, I mean you can have a card for that issue alone and decoy it as much as you like (Sara the relict)
Actually, not necessary overload the decks with a variety of weather and buffs/debuffs cards. For each deck 2-3 unique will enough, i think. Nilfgaard incoming and this can destroy a fragile balance.
Fine. A little something I made just now. XD

Gaunter O'Dimm
"He always grants exactly what you wish for. That's the problem."

Type: Legendary Hero

Olgierd von Everec
"At least you now know I don't easily lose my head."

Type: Epic Character



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  • OLGIERD.png
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Would it be crazy to have Beauclair Castle card? That could give a shelter to one random row against weather effects.

@Devizz, your Gaunter card sounds interesting :D
Pretty cool ideas, and I applaud the work that went into them. Am I the only one that loves flavor text? I have played tons of CCGs in my life, and flavor text always brings a smile to my face.
I think it would be better if Toussaint characters were incorporated into the Nilfgaardian deck, rather than making them their own separate faction. Maybe that's why the Nilfgaardian deck is currently being worked on?

We already have a deck for each political/military group. I doubt we'll be getting any more. I mean, there's always the "far-off lands", but those are most certainly out of the question.
Well, we can always daydream about new decks :p

It gives us something to do while waiting for the game to be released. And one can never know what ideas REDs may pick up from this forum. They are patrolling here!

I'm pretty sure that what ever they decide to do with Gwent game, it will be awesome :)
Toussaint deck

Considering that every other faction/region from the original games has its own deck except Toussaint and Nilfgaard (which was available in Wild Hunt and is probably already in production).
Which cards/ deck ability’s would you suggest for a Toussaint deck, and what would be their effects?

The strength numbers are only there to give an idea of how strong the cards are when compared with each other.

Anna Henrietta/
Damien de la Tour/

Gregoire de gorgon12/
Lady of the lake7spawns only when the Hermit is defeated

Lady Vivienne2transform a random enemy unit in a bird with 1 strength
The Hermit5transforms in the Lady of the lake card when you lose the round

Grandmaster smith2increase base strength of a card by 4 points
Knight errand6/
Toussaint Ducal guard4
Painter1Copy a random card from your opponent’s deck and put it in your hand
Knight2Only spawnable through a tournament card

Effect cards:
Tournament/spawn 2 knights
Since Tousaint is in Nilfgaard I was wondering if such cards like the ones you proposed will be part of the Nilgaard deck with Anna as a leader, since I don't know of anybody else appart from Emhir var Emreis for a NG leader. Would be cool though to get a Tousaint deck.
AlkamlBan;n7467810 said:
Since Tousaint is in Nilfgaard I was wondering if such cards like the ones you proposed will be part of the Nilgaard deck with Anna as a leader, since I don't know of anybody else appart from Emhir var Emreis for a NG leader. Would be cool though to get a Tousaint deck.

Ow oke didn't remember that Tousaint is in Nilfgaard.
Krikkeee;n7467830 said:
Ow oke didn't remember that Tousaint is in Nilfgaard.
It is in Nilgaard territory but it is independant. But since I can't think of anyone else as NG leader apart from EvE Tousaint might be built into the NG deck.
AlkamlBan;n7467810 said:
since I don't know of anybody else appart from Emhir var Emreis for a NG leader
How about any other Nilfgaardian Emperor. There is a thread about possible Nilfgaard leader cards if interested.

On topic: Anything below the Northern Realms on the continent is save to be called Nilfgaardian Empire, so I doubt we'll ever see a Toussaint deck.
1. I hope they do a independent Toussaint deck. There are enough characters in Nilgaard and enough characters in Toussaint to do both.
2. I previously posted some suggested cards for a Toussaint deck, I will repost them here (with a few changes and additions) ... I may add some card strength and effects.

Leaders – Henrietta – Duke Raymund – Unseen Elder

Golds – Detalff - Orianna - Fringilla Vigo - Damien De la Tour - Milton de Peyrac-Peyran - Reynart de Bois-Fresnes – Sylvia Anna

Silver – Gregoire de Gorgon - Vivienne de Tabris - Guillaume de Launfal - Land of a Thousand Fables - Barnabas-Basil Foulty - Shaalmaar - Golyaat - Alpha Garkain – Sangrael - Bootblack - Artorius Vigo (Spawns "the Wicked Witch" or "The Big Bad Wolf") - Witch of Lynx Crag

Bronze – Bruxa - Alp – Fleder - Tourney Champion - Ducal Guard - Knight Errant - Vintner (winemaker) - Musician of Blavikan (one card has a Rooster & Cat, One has a Dog and one has a Donkey – they muster) – Druid of Caed Myrkvid – Courtier – Bandit - Belle of Beauclaire - Dun Tynne Guard

The idea would be to play on the concept of two deck possibilities, one built around nobles, chivalry & wine and one built around vampires & monsters.
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Rawls;n7468720 said:
The idea would be to play on the concept of two deck possibilities, one built around nobles, chivalry & wine and one built around vampires.

I was hesitant to include vampires because they are technically monsters (Regis is already in the monster cathegory if I remember correctly), but I do like you idea.
Doesn't make sense to have vampires as part of toussaint, sure they were in the expansion, but still, doesn't work.

If the unseen elder is a Gwent card, IMO he would be best suited to be a monster leader for using on the vampire archetype.
seems a bit odd to have him a leader for toussaint.
and so it would make more sense to have a monsters vampire deck, vs toussaint deck.

two most obvious leaders would be Anna henrietta, and Damien de la tour.

Damien could focus on ducal guard synergy, whereas Anna would focus on knight errant synergy.

also Dettlaff should be a neutral card,

Krikkeee Regis is a neutral card.
Krikkeee;n7468840 said:
(Regis is already in the monster cathegory if I remember correctly),
He's neutral. And has the "vampire" label.

Lim3zer0;n7469340 said:
two most obvious leaders would be Anna henrietta, and Damien de la tour.
I disagree, but I can appreciate your position. Damien is more like a civil servant / general than true leader of Toussaint. Regarding vampires, I think they would make sense to include with the faction, especially higher grades of vampires, such as higher vampires, bruxa's and alps.
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Lim3zer0;n7469340 said:
Doesn't make sense to have vampires as part of toussaint, sure they were in the expansion, but still, doesn't work.

If the unseen elder is a Gwent card, IMO he would be best suited to be a monster leader for using on the vampire archetype.
seems a bit odd to have him a leader for toussaint.
and so it would make more sense to have a monsters vampire deck, vs toussaint deck.

two most obvious leaders would be Anna henrietta, and Damien de la tour.

Damien could focus on ducal guard synergy, whereas Anna would focus on knight errant synergy.

also Dettlaff should be a neutral card,

Krikkeee Regis is a neutral card.

I think Damien is too casual to be a leader.
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