Why the person above you should be banned

Why should I get more? Hayashi's the one who wasted it! Ploughin' ghosts...
*chains rattling*
What?! Who made that noise? Was that you, Don? Well, you're banned too you soddin' jokester! Get more salt, he says... *wanders off muttering*
Banned so I can be banned and can tell my co workers next Monday that I got banned for banning an already banned bandee
Banned (to "el bote", standing room only) because "is (z) dope" - and dope is illegal in NC.

Not that many would care :sad:
Banned (to "el bote", standing room only) because "is (z) dope" - and dope is illegal in NC.

Not that many would care :sad:
because it is very dangerous to walk in metro as a police. The metro trains go fast and cant brake fast.

p.s. I just finished witcher 3 story yesterday. and I have no privilege to post a topic.
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