Why was braindance removed, especially since we can buy braindances?

Because you had to high expectations, the game is awesome and ground breaking but you should have listened to our advertisement that all is work in progress. By the way I didn't have any bugs and it runs perfectly fine on my pc. Would rate it 10/10 because I have played already 175 hours in my first gameplay and can't decide what to do next. Strip Club or hitting the Bar for a drink? So much decisions.
I wanted to escape into cyberpunk. live in the city. I wanted to interact with it. But you can't. Cant sit and eat. Cant talk to people. Cant enjoy the red light district ( except form being a John who goes to the same hooker ) can't watch bds. Guess I can play the story.
Because you had to high expectations, the game is awesome and ground breaking but you should have listened to our advertisement that all is work in progress. By the way I didn't have any bugs and it runs perfectly fine on my pc. Would rate it 10/10 because I have played already 175 hours in my first gameplay and can't decide what to do next. Strip Club or hitting the Bar for a drink? So much decisions.
Well you're lying because T posing still happens, and sometimes my cars explode because NPC cars overlap them. 10/10 is superficial and not reflective of the game in its current state. Its an 7-8/10 at best (, 10/10 if they fix the game mechanics. Police, bugs, driving etc). Far from ground breaking... The AI is as dry as a chilli flake
i wondered this too. She gave me the braindance tool but i havent ever used it yet except for that one time

You do use your braindance tool for side quests. Maybe you didnt try them yet. I did only some of them and i used that kit i got from Judy in Wards quests and Peralez quests. Propably ggonna be usefull in others too, have to try them all.
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The game, in a lot of moments, looks very strange. Exploiting the theme of sexuality, the protagonist is restricted in sex. This is the first game in history where you can choose the length and type of penis, but it can not be seen even in the mirror.
Why did you do this, for what? I don't have any answer to that.

Well you're lying because T posing still happens, and sometimes my cars explode because NPC cars overlap them. 10/10 is superficial and not reflective of the game in its current state. Its an 7-8/10 at best (, 10/10 if they fix the game mechanics. Police, bugs, driving etc). Far from ground breaking... The AI is as dry as a chilli flake

Maybe you should read it again and some of my other posts.. But too make it clear this was riding hard the sarcasm rainbow all to knight city. :ohstopit:
Why was this game released in the state it was? Why did they make and imply things that weren't true?

I thought about buying all the BD's but I had one in my inventory and it didn't do anything so I figured the others wouldn't. There is a lot that just isn't finished and only partially realized.

Totally sucks too. I was hoping they would lead to quests, tell kewl stories, or just be some really nasty shiz. Turns out they aren't anything but thumbnails in an inventory.

It would have also been cool if we could have recorded our own while playing. Like for a recon missions that later led to active encounters later. Even a bank heist or robbery gig. I mean not like we can actually be a criminal in the game. What is weird though is BD's are recorded by most everyone, right? I mean isn't that just the memory back up of person in Night City? Shards seem to just record data like a back up or cache. BD's are used by the NCPD to help solve crimes. I think River mentions that. But also they are used like in Black Mirror for interrogation and control.

I think that was just another throw in feature that never got fleshed out. A gimmick if you will.
1.Didn't have time to put it and make it working properly
2.Didnt want to put it because they had too much uncensored BDs and we know this game going family friendly route.
I hate replying to a thread that's gotten this long because people rarely read to the end however, I must say the good thing about cut content:

At this point in development, it's still possible it can be added in later. After all, they still have the code for that stuff. It's not like once they cut it from the game the code went "poof" and disappeared forever. I'm guessing the stuff that was cut was done so because there were bugs and issues with it that they couldn't get sorted before release and I believe that they are probably working on at least some of that content now. Once they have the issues resolved, the cut content will slowly (or in big chunks as large updates) start finding it's way back into the game.
The most likely reason is that they only made the story brain dances. What you can buy on the streets are just placeholders for now.
Half of the features were removed man... BD is just one of them.. the game is for better or worse a beta access game. Andi have the right to say it cause i spent 110 hrs in it. They did not have the time to finish it so they just scrapped things and when the last mission was playable they said fck it we gonna release it cause you can play it from start to finish. If you guys can notice if you play all the side content first and have few missions in the main story of act 2, your gameplay will be almost without bugs. BUT if you actually progress your story a lot and then you play the side quests you gonna have a hella buggy game on your hands..
I really wish they add some of those things back before the first big expansion because the world, which is amazing btw feels empty.
There are also places where you can purchase them, so it feels weird to purchase something that's not usable in the game.

Most of them I think yes.
For the main mission with Judy, I bought a darkweb BD i used and saw to progress in the quest.
For some reason I keep imagining that braindances would be a good way to add DLC content. Instead of one big additional zone to the game, add individual experiences that can be purchased. I'd like to take Judy on vacation to Aruba and solve a murder mystery while we're there. I'd like to go on a mission with Placide in Belize as one of his gang members. I'd like to visit a fortune teller and have them show me my future life in a BD. In that future life Jack would be my husband and we'd have half a dozen crumb crushers running around.
I'd like to take a shuttle to another planet that's populated with bizarre aliens.

The possibilities are endless and can cater to different tastes and since the BD could take place in the past or the future, dead characters get to be alive again and new ones introduced. I would expect that it would be much less work for developers since they don't have to weave new content into the existing time line or the main story.

That's the potential for BD content. The ability to experience events that aren't part of the main story. I don't expect developers to put that much content in on release though. I'll be happy if it shows up eventually..... but then I didn't watch prerelease videos repeatedly for 8 years and think it was a promise of anything. I've been aware of the game for years but I wasn't actively stalking it lol.
BD wreath is just a cosmetic armor for the face

In some of the prerelease footage, we see that one of the features in V's apartment is Braindance. I could forgive the exclusion of the feature if BDs weren't available to buy in the red light district and if Judy didn't give us the Braindance wreath to keep. What are we supposed to do with them? They're useless. Why buy them? Just to say you have them? It's especially disappointing since there are only two hookers--a male and a female--compared with the huge variety of choices in Witcher 3. The lack of choice could have been made up for with erotic BDs. Can we expect more hookers or the BD feature to return? Maybe as some of that planned free DLC? I get the strong feeling that CDPR had to make cuts to get this game out on schedule. Would be nice to have some of the planned features back.
I also missed some more braindance detective stories. That one braindance where they got some poor soul and wrecked him (you hear his screams and see as he somehow breaks his own bones), well, I don't know when I felt frightened last time in a game, but that showcase made me stand up and walk around a bit in the room. That was a brutal, mood setting showcase moment where you realized that sometimes you should get the nonlethal mod out and do some weeding. So, more overarching detective style BD stories are very much welcomed.
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So, only one female hooker.
Yes, CDPR, please make a mission where the player gets abducted - but only if he/she is a joytoy addict - put in a treasure chest and must find a way out of a spanking madman/madame's dungeon. The spanker will also post videos on the net if the player is unwilling to cooperate during these sessions, so... there is ample opportunity :giveup:
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In some of the prerelease footage, we see that one of the features in V's apartment is Braindance. I could forgive the exclusion of the feature if BDs weren't available to buy in the red light district and if Judy didn't give us the Braindance wreath to keep. What are we supposed to do with them? They're useless. Why buy them? Just to say you have them? It's especially disappointing since there are only two hookers--a male and a female--compared with the huge variety of choices in Witcher 3. The lack of choice could have been made up for with erotic BDs. Can we expect more hookers or the BD feature to return? Maybe as some of that planned free DLC? I get the strong feeling that CDPR had to make cuts to get this game out on schedule. Would be nice to have some of the planned features back.
I was buying every single BD. Now, i've discovered they are useless (huge facepalm, bros)
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