GEAR and Crafting: Clothing, Armor, and doohickeys...

Wouldn't everyone in Cyberpunk 2077 be cyborgs or replicants like blade runner? I feel there's literally no organic beings left in 2077.
mcflurry928;n9344171 said:
Wouldn't everyone in Cyberpunk 2077 be cyborgs or replicants like blade runner? I feel there's literally no organic beings left in 2077.
The whole point of cyberpsychosis is to many artificial parts = psycho.

This assumes the rules in CP2020 are used for CP2077, maybe, maybe not.
Suhiira;n9347961 said:
The whole point of cyberpsychosis is to many artificial parts = psycho.

This assumes the rules in CP2020 are used for CP2077, maybe, maybe not.

I think changing some rules regarding "potions" could have a very beneficial effect for gameplay.
mcflurry928;n9344171 said:
Wouldn't everyone in Cyberpunk 2077 be cyborgs or replicants like blade runner? I feel there's literally no organic beings left in 2077.

the tech could have gone in totally the other direction and everyone is biomodded. we don't know any of the details of this version of the world. (no i don't think it's likely but possible yes)
Fallout New Vegas featured some drugs that were actually compelling to use and weren't just invisible stat buffs.
Would be dope (heh) to have an array of drugs seen in 2020 that you really felt the benefits of, making potential side-effects, overdosing or addiction a genuine concern. The fact that the game is first-person really enables this with different visual effects, be that vignetting, oversaturation, sensitivity to light, blur/after-images, etc. Over time, a chronic addiction may affect your character visually, which may have implications (negative and even positive) for your interactions with the world and its inhabitants. Passing comments, being refused service, being allowed easy entry to an underground drug-den, what have you.
A good opportunity to introduce its use would be circumstances where it's "forced" or offered on the player in one way or another. For instance, if you decide you go to a club and dance, you may attract someone, who you may makeout with, and they may pull the ole' tablet-on-the-tongue to pass you a drug through the kiss. Being spiked if drinking publicly and not attending your drink, being invited to shoot-up in an alley you pass by if you have enough cred, whatever.

I'm excited to see how in-depth the devs dive in terms of drug-use in this world.
I really dig this idea...

As for cyberpsychosis and drug addiction... yeah their should definitely be a mechanic for that...

For Cyberpsychosis, if your emp drops too low, your character has the chance of randomly going apeshit at the slightest provocation... someone in a bar bumps into you, control of the character is removed, as you go on a rampage... cops show up, kill the snot out of you... or you just end up massacreing a bunch of innocents... or both...

You want to regain lost humanity... Expensive therapy

Drugs can give you a bonus, but they should also change your perception... Black Lace should give you tunnel vision. Blue glass won't do much for you in combat, but man will it make things trippy and melty, as if looking at the world from behind a gentle waterfall, everything is distorted. Speedheal maybe puts a very slight yellow haze on everything...

Get addicted to the drug, withdrawel kicks in... you blink a ot, you shake, vision is blurred, your health drops by half...

Want free of addiction... again therapy is expensive...

I disagree with your idea on Cyberpsychosis. The only time a player should lose control of the character is during cut-scenes. Losing control mid-game, and then getting killed by the cops just feels wrong. I know that myself and many others would feel like it was a cheap death that the developer has forced on you.
Honestly I think Cyberpsychosis should be kept away from V. There's just no way to implement it that wouldn't rend control away from the player.

Love your idea of drugs changing the world around you and addiction gives negative side-effects. Some additional ones could be a sudden camera jolt, putting your vision off-target or hearing loss. It'd be pretty cool if hallucinations were introduced as either the main effect of a drug or a side-effect.
That's kind of the point of cyberpsychosis. It's what keeps you from going apeshit on cyber, fear of losing your character.
I always liked permanent effects from early Fallout games, i.e. "junkie". If you get that, you either need expensive cyber-rehab or you need to be constantly drugged to not suffer severe side effects. Maybe it can alter your looks - skin color change, veins or whatever. Bruises under the eyes.
I feel that one main element of the game will be to see how far you get in achieving your dreams before you have one too many augments or take one too many enhancers.

Once you've gone past this point you would then be recruited and find yourself having to work for the authorities rather than being gunned down.
I'd be nice if you can get addicted to drugs like in Fallout and Fallout 2 if you got addicted in those game, chances are you will be an addict with heavy penalty throughout the game. Now I'm not saying it should be that severe, but maybe to just certain drugs? Like drugs that isn't that helpful in combat but a dangeriously addictive drugs like heroins in real life.
while itemization is an argument I argued at length across the years for plenty of games and action adventures, because I think a lot of developers seem to overlook how much it can make or break a game, I'll try to keep things short and to the point here:

I've read several sites pointing out that items in CP2077 are apparently color-coded according to their rarity, like standard in many MMOs.
Not exactly a solution I'm exceedingly fond of, in all honesty, but not necessarily terrible per se.

What I'm afraid, on the other hand, is to have a Borderlands-like (or Destiny-like, if you want) loot with randomized weapons and/or constant variations of the same weapon with just minor changes/incremental value for each one.
IF that's actually the way CDPR is planning, I'd love to urge them to reconsider.

Personally I'm a strong believer that keeping weapons and pieces of equipment relatively low in number but very distinct, making each finding meaningful, gives a far better pacing to RPG games, avoiding constant stat comparisons, pointless inventory clutter and cumbersome inventory management.

As a practical example I will always prefer a game where you have a maximum of 4 shotguns (each one a specific variation) over looting 86 shotguns in 4 hours of gameplay, constantly checking which one is of the better tier or gives you the most useful stat boost.
In fact, i'd prefer if (aside from obvious things like damage, range or rate of fire) there would be absolutely no stat boosts on weapons.

In the specific context of Cyberpunk, I also think that constant stat inflation, aside being pace-breaking in general, is a terrible fit for any open world game that pretends to maintain a broad non-linear approach.
it's worth stating that itemization is specifically an area where I think The Witcher 3 definitely didn't shine as it could have, which gives me reasons of concern for CP2077.
Totally agree.
Loot and itemization in The Witcher 3 are part of the few bad things of the game. It really sucks, except for the witcher gear.
If CDP could improve this aspect in CP2077, I would be very happy.
Yep. What's absurd is that it wouldn't have even required "a lot more work" to solve the problem.
If anything it was an issue that could be solved by subtraction: leaving just unique sets (and upgrades) in the game, limiting the remain loot to few common items that could be purchased by vendors and/or genuinely useful quest rewards (you know, not "Family Artifacts passed by for generations" that weren't even good as vendor trash).
Maybe even less stat ramp up across the game, but that's more a matter of balance rather than style of itemization.

Paradoxically this could have required less work, while making feel each remaining items in the game more meaningful/rewarding *AND* spared the player from a shit-ton of annoying busywork with the inventory.
The trailer is released, the gamelooms nigh. Much of the recognizable and distinct bits of tech have bee identified in Sardhukars recent thread, but what else caught your eye? What would you like to see now that we have a better understanding of what the world looks like?
As someone who loves loot I didn't really mind it in TW3. I think the loot balance could have been better since witcher gear was better than anything else but I think that was mainly due to the loot progression not being that well thought out. So I woulnd't mind if such a system made it's way into CP2077 if CDPR learned from past mistakes. I love comparing stats and have a feeling of progression with weapons as well, not just character skills/stats.

Then again I also think that the way Deus Ex handled its loot progression system was ok.
I'm a little disappointed that they are even going with levelled weapons. It doesn't make sense to me. The PnP didn't have them, and I wish they'd found a way to make that system work here.

Why is one .22 pistol that is "Green" quality worse than a purple or "Epic" quality .22 pistol? Makes no sense whatsoever. The only things that should affect damage are bullet caliber, projectile type, damage type (if we must have damage types, which we clearly do based on previews).

I can understand it in a fantasy setting. Maybe one sword is slightly more magical than other. But in a semi-"realistic" world that's based on our own in many more ways than a fantasy setting? What's the justification?
Agreed. Levelling weapons in a cyberpunk setting is ridiculous. A .22 is a .22 is a .22. You want more punch, getter a bigger gun. The only thing that should separate weapons of the same type is the manufacturer. A German made rifle should be of better quality and more reliable than a cheap knock-off.
I think we dont have to much info atm I just will wait to see some gameplay or early launch footage until I have an opinion. I just trust CDPR, I hope they will manage the weapons rarity in a nice not overwhelming itemization.
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