Any chance of Conan review The WItcher 3?

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Obviously depends on CDPR pr department. I bet whole "Conan reviews" is payed promotion so CDPR would have to pay them. It is possible but at the same time I don´t see difference between Conan doing jokes about something and Conan doing jokes about Witcher 3.
I can see Microsoft doing that.
Not a good idea at all. Conan does that shtick for publishers and the lulz, which is why GTA and Watch Dogs make sense for him. Not an RPG.
Conan reviews are ridiculous, and that's how it's supposed be. It serves as a comedy and not a serious review, and that's why Conan never gives games a proper rating.
I think a Conan review can give the Witcher 3 more publicity, and subsequently increase the sales. I'm for a Conan review.
It's happening. :)

The show starts at 8 am CET on Friday, right?

I'd just like to warn people who are unfamiliar with Conan's show that the video will be very silly and you should not watch it if you get easily upset by people making fun of gaming/games/the witcher etc. - not everyone's type of humour, but it is all done in jest, just keep that in mind. I'd hate to wake up to a bunch of upset forum members, so I'm just giving you all a heads up as to what to expect.
yeah before you start the hate machine remember he calls himself the clueless gamer, that should let you predict what will happen...

On the other hand, if you guys were expecting to see sex scenes, i'd say there is a very high chance of that
Robert E Howard died in 1936 as far as I can recall, though I suppose the Cimmerian of titanic mirths and melancholies could be written by somebody else. He wasn't really a man of many words though.
I was thinking the same thing at first. The world of Conan is amazing. Not exactly much of a fan of Conan himself though.

AM-Ur? Emir isn't even that unusual a word.

best thing to ever happen isn't a bad review though
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that was amazing :D
unless you didn't know what you were gonna watch, in which case you were probably holding your head all the way through :p
Absolutely hysterical. Be forewarned, however: spoiler galore...kind of. Seriously.

EDIT: Also, was that legit XBone footage? Was an XBone controller, and they showed the green box. If so...real nice water effects, otherwise everything was compressed to hell.
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