Chromatic aberration toggle

I find that saying CA 'degrades' the image quality is a very poor argument because that applies to just about all post-processing effects. Bloom for example, bloom reduces IQ and yet it can subjectively enhance the picture. Witcher 2 would be my prime example in that, turn off bloom and you regain quite a lot of IQ but lose the artistic effect of it. Likewise for things like lensflare, distortion effects, blurs/DoF.

That said, if it doesn't fit and distracts me, OFF IT GOES.
I've been wearing glasses my whole life so a lot of post-processing f/x in games were quite often the ones i percieved in reality, so i even barely noticed them. Couple of years back i've switched to contact lenses and OMG it was amazing. Now i truly hate those post-processing f/x and I do not understand why they are used at all, why build artificial wall between world of the game and a player by simulating effects that i do not see with my own pair of optical instruments. I thinks it's counterproductive both in games and in films. I fail to see logic in reminding a viewer that between him and the scene is a transparent wall of shitty lenses. On-screen raindrops and blood spatter - another curiousity making me feel as if i was a spectator watching through the camera. Image shaking - another abomination and so on. Hopefuly all of that nonsense will be possible to turn off - i'm not wearing contacts to suffer the same visual abberations i've had wearing glasses.

NOW in 1st person view games like Cyberpunk for example - it would be amazing. It would increase an immersion, not break it. Actually there is a mod for Fallout NV, that changes the way you percieve the world, depending on a type of helmet or glasses you wear, but it's mostly about changing overall brightness or reducing field of view by a black overlay- It's not like having 4-eyes perk actually makes you see blurry image until your character wears glasses or lens flares and CA are being used when we do, or they get dusty when wind blows sand or gather raindrops when it rains obscuring the view, or they actually need wiping the blood off after shooting someone's head off the shoulders with with a shotgun from point-blank range :>

I really hope for a LOT of in-game display options, so i could "tune" image to my preferences without digging in ini files or wasting PC processing power for ENB's.
I've been wearing glasses my whole life so a lot of post-processing f/x in games were quite often the ones i percieved in reality, so i even barely noticed them. Couple of years back i've switched to contact lenses and OMG it was amazing. Now i truly hate those post-processing f/x and I do not understand why they are used at all, why build artificial wall between world of the game and a player by simulating effects that i do not see with my own pair of optical instruments. I thinks it's counterproductive both in games and in films. I fail to see logic in reminding a viewer that between him and the scene is a transparent wall of shitty lenses. On-screen raindrops and blood spatter - another curiousity making me feel as if i was a spectator watching through the camera. Image shaking - another abomination and so on. Hopefuly all of that nonsense will be possible to turn off - i'm not wearing contacts to suffer the same visual abberations i've had wearing glasses.

NOW in 1st person view games like Cyberpunk for example - it would be amazing. It would increase an immersion, not break it. Actually there is a mod for Fallout NV, that changes the way you percieve the world, depending on a type of helmet or glasses you wear, but it's mostly about changing overall brightness or reducing field of view by a black overlay- It's not like having 4-eyes perk actually makes you see blurry image until your character wears glasses or lens flares and CA are being used when we do, or they get dusty when wind blows sand or gather raindrops when it rains obscuring the view, or they actually need wiping the blood off after shooting someone's head off the shoulders with with a shotgun from point-blank range :>

I really hope for a LOT of in-game display options, so i could "tune" image to my preferences without digging in ini files or wasting PC processing power for ENB's.

THIS!! had glasses for long time got my eyes repaired and now all the post processing effects annoy me. Crisp clean image is what i prefer without the BS effects.
Oh that's understandable. It's the same reason people add film grain for instance. I didn't really mind it in alien since it fits that game.

I don't mind it if it is subtle. I've never been one of those people who wants maximum sharpness and sterile video-gamey graphics.

I like motion blur if done correctly (high quality object based, really). Film grain, too, can look good if implemented well. TXAA might result in the loss of some sharpness, but that is infinitely preferable to the ugly temporal aliasing present without it. You get the idea. I simply dislike overly sharp, noisy, raw, sterile looking graphics.

Chromatic aberration can look bad if it's overdone, but I'm not absolute about it.

The things I hate the most are:
Screen tearing
Overly sharp, noisy image quality.
Edge aliasing, as well as shader or specular aliasing.
(Although one wonders what would happen for console players)
I think we still need an answer on this. Why add the option to just one version and not the others? It's not a performance issue.

+1 vote for adding the toggle to the console versions as well.
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