Cedric *Slight spoilers*

Cedric *Slight spoilers*

At the near end of the first act, Cedric dies (Yeah, hit that point yet?) You have the ability to loot him. But is it immoral to loot a dead body which is effectively part of the forest and a friend of Geralts, regardless of the shoddy loot :p/>?

Just wondering :p/>
Depends on the person behind Geralt I guess . I`ve both looted and let it be and never felt remorse for looting or not . Depends on my mood at the time :p
I looted him during my second run, just because I didn't notice I could do it during my first run.

Well...am I an evil person now?
Well, in a video game nothing is immoral. So I loot Cedric exactly like every dead body I make or find. But if in real life you start walking around looting corpses, you'll probably end up in jail. In general people tend to look down on grave robberies (stripping diseased of their valuables), and looting in general. Though in war zone people do it all the time. I think it is bad, if it is for profit, and not out of necessity, but why - I have no idea. According to British common law the dead do not have any property rights, and if they do not have any heirs, so you are not actually robbing anybody.
The way I see it, Cedric wanted Geralt to succeed and he didn't need his items anymore anyway, so...

I actually can't remember if I looted Cedric's corpse or not, but if I didn't then it was probably due to not noticing that I could. I don't loot people's houses (even though there's no penalty for it) but I don't see anything wrong with looting the dead (it's not like Cedric had any relatives who would want his stuff anyway ).
The dead have no need for armor or bombs.

And judging whether it is correct or not is completely dependent on your own views. Geralt is practical, so I imagine he would take some useful items like grapeshot bombs or whatever, but probably leave him with his clothes/armor out of respect.

You could argue about this same thing for about every other decision in the game too.
AserPik said:
At the near end of the first act, Cedric dies (Yeah, hit that point yet?) You have the ability to loot him. But is it immoral to loot a dead body which is effectively part of the forest and a friend of Geralts, regardless of the shoddy loot :p/>/>/>?

Just wondering :p/>/>/>
Is it immoral from the POV of in-game society? You'll hear different opinions, I suppose, but more or less they will match the answers in this thread :]

But we don't know Cedric's view on how he would have liked to be left, so it's best to leave the body as untouched as possible. I suppose taking common items is not a big deal, but taking something which was unique to him is iffy.
Csszr said:
I've had about five playthroughs, did not even know you could do that.

Its not worth knowing... here... have an elven jacket. Almost as bad as looting bandits but without the rags and wire coils..
Hmm this didnt even cross my mind OP, but in TW2 you can rob peoples houses and they dont give a damn so i guess its okay :D.
Probably it is because right after his death we have a cut-scene, and if we want to loot, we have to return to his body. I recall that the first time I did not loot him as well, but only because I forgot. You get an elven armor off him.
I'm joining the Club. Played through the game three times and didn't even cross my mind. Hmmm, but maybe I will give it a try in my next play-through. Poor Cedric. XD
I didn't know either for a long time.

I'd think Cedric would want you to remove his clothes just so the worms can eat him faster.
vivaxardas said:
Probably it is because right after his death we have a cut-scene, and if we want to loot, we have to return to his body. I recall that the first time I did not loot him as well, but only because I forgot. You get an elven armor off him.

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