Hype it up !!! [Countdown for BaW Release]

9 hours left! I wish they released the preload as patch on Steam so I would not have to wait more hours for the dlc to download : (
As a PS4 owner, all I can say is meh. I expected to play it at 7:00 pm tonight (EST). Someone else playing it earlier doesn't really effect me (unless they post spoilers from it in here ... and then they'll be in trouble).
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Yeah, I stopped by Twitch and so it seems. :)

Release times doesn't hold any meaning nowadays, it seems. Except on PC, of course.
These "leaks" are getting awfully suspicious I must say....

Seriously.. messing it up one time can be a mistake..but twice ?

Btw, no i dont blame CDPR for that.

just MS doing amazing work as usual.

Yeah well... I sort of do. They could simply mitigate it by stopping this nonsense of releasing at the stroke of midnight and just release it. What's the point of 7 more hours?
Witcher 3 leaked like 11 days earlier in some countries so I think we can wait 7 more hours for B&W! But in my case, it's going to be longer because there is no preload on Steam : (((
Well that is the point... let people download the thing and be done with it. What's the harm? Most people even with a fast connection will probably need 2-3 hours for 15 gb and the other folk will need 5-20 hours... so you might as well just release it now because no matter when you release it there will be folks playing it earlier because CDPR does not offer a preload option on GOG.
Yeah they should unlock it everywhere now that it leaked......it's not like I will be playing it earlier than midnight with no preload.
Got to make sure steam downloads BaW during the time I'm at work tomorrow. I've restocked on refreshments and food so I'm all ready.

Come at me B&W! :comeatmebro:
Also, now that it leaked.....what about the comic? Is it really the old one? Or is it about Iorveth? Any info about that?
No clue. Gotta check the NeoGAF threads for that. I'm just appalled again how badly this whole thing was roled out. The XP issue could have been dealt with had the Patch been released between Wednesday and Friday when it was obviously ready. Nobody would whine about the leak of the whole damn expansion if they had offered a preload because then you might have either gone live with the whole thing early OR at least given people a chance to not have to download through the night because you are pigheaded. Seriously... all this humdrum hype that I also bought into and this is probably one of the most botched launches I can ever recall.
@hedop , your hyperboles are heading in rather the opposite direction of this thread's topic. (Also, you're repeating yourself again.)
6 hours remaining ! : ) Makes me wanna finish AC Unity but the combat in that game is so bad that my heart cannot take it no more.
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