New info from PC Games

New info from PC Games

MOD: More-detailed translation here
Additional detailed translated text (Goole T):

Here's new information translated for your convenience:

- 36 final states of the world and 3 epilogues (each 1 hour long)

- you can import your save game, but it's not going to change backstory of the game. Still, it will affect characters.

- you can buy horses or tame a wild ones by using Axii

- Geralt will be much more agile. Now he can jump and climb wherever he want.

- a wild animals will appear. Geralt may hunt them and take their furs, claws etc.

- main storyline is 50 hours long

- now people will call the guards, when they see Geralt stealing their stuff

- there is a new mechanic, which is similar to VATS from Fallout 3. You can aim at the specific parts of monsters bodies in slow-mo

- no more QTE

- Geralt now can achieve 60 level max

- PC and console versions have completely different UI

- you gain experience points only by completing quests, hunting will provide you money and crafting materials

- a two new minigames: axe trowing and card games

- economy depends from the area. In some places you can buy something for a lesser price, or sell it for higher price.

I'm sorry for bad translation.
wojto16 said:

Here's new information translated for your convenience:

- you can buy horses or tame a wild ones by using Axii
- you gain experience points only by completing quests, hunting will provide you money and crafting materials
Cool info. Is monster hunting a guest or just hunting, though? It would be not-cool if one could get to the lv 50 in a first chapter just by completing everything there is to complete.

And horses. :) Wonder if we could rent one too as they might be quite expensive (and you prolly can't take one to the islands etc). But axii on the wild ones, sounds great ;)
- PC and console versions have completely different UI

- economy depends from the area. In some places you can buy something for a lesser price, or sell it for higher price.

Good, very good points!
Keine Fraktionen. Man wird sich für keine Fraktion wie z.B. den Orden der Flammenrose oder die Scoiatael entscheiden müssen. Ein Hexer handelt stets unabhängig.

No fractions. You won't have to decide for a fraction like the Order of the Flaming Rose or the Scoia'tael. A Witcher acts independently all the time.
Kallelinski said:
No fractions. You won't have to decide for a fraction like the Order of the Flaming Rose or the Scoia'tael. A Witcher acts independently all the time.

This one is the best!
- PC and console versions have completely different UI

Love this
and thank you for translation and news
Kallelinski said:
No fractions. You won't have to decide for a fraction like the Order of the Flaming Rose or the Scoia'tael. A Witcher acts independently all the time.

Well fuck.

you can import your save game, but it's not going to change backstory of the game. Still, it will affect characters.

Yeah it's awesome reading in the article how it will only affect minor characters like Triss, since when is Triss a minor character anyway?
wojto16 said:
- 36 final states of the world and 3 epilogues (each 1 hour long)

An hour long epilogue what? So a short movie?

- you can import your save game, but it's not going to change backstory of the game. Still, it will affect characters.

Doesn't sound that reassuring.
I mean I would have hoped that it would still affect the backstory at least a little considering the vast differences by the end of TW2.

AS for no factions. Meh, I hope we can still work with factions within storylines and not act alone all the time (unless it's a choice).
An hour long epilogue what? So a short movie?

I think it will be a gameplay sequence.

Doesn't sound that reassuring.
I mean I would have hoped that it would still affect the backstory at least a little considering the vast differences by the end of TW2.

Doesn't sound at all reassuring to me. Sounds like importing is a joke once again.
Well let's hope one of those 3 epilogues will be pro-Nilfgaardian. The other pro-North. The other pro-idgaf.

Because I doubt an entire 1 hour long epilogue is going to be affected by Triss, Yennefer or neither.
Knight: I certainly hope that's the case. One for Nilfgaard, one neutral and one the north.

Still 36 ending states is no joke if they do it properly, but we all saw how 16 ending states WAS a joke in TW2.
The Witcher 3 wird CDPRs neue REDengine 3 verwenden, die DX11 optimiert ist.

Witcher 3 will be using REDengine 3, which is optimized for DX11.

Es wird 36 Zustände der Welt geben, die durch die Aktionen des Spielers herbeigeführt werden. Ferner sind 3 unterschiedliche Enden geplant, die jeweils 1 Spielstunde ausmachen sollen.

So no green, blue, red ending, but 3 different one hour long epilogues.

3 Handlungsschauplätze. Im Laufe seines Abenteuers wird Geralt die Metropole Novigrad, die Skellige-Inseln, und das vom Krieg verheerte Niemandsland besuchen. Letztgennantes Gebiet ist noch nicht genau festgelegt.

3 areas, the war-torn No-Mans-Land is still unknown.

Die Spielzeit der Hauptmissionen wird mit 50 Stunden angesetzt, und die der Nebenmissionen ebenfalls.
50 hours story, 50 hours sidemissions.

In der nun deutlich belebteren Welt sollen die nicht spielbaren Charaktere durch einen geregelten und glaubhaften Tagesablauf wie in Gothic glänzen, und anders als wie bissher auf den Diebstahl ihres Eigentums reagieren. Ferner wird es jedoch nicht möglich sein wehrlose Zivilisten anzugreifen, da dies einfach nicht Geralts Wesen entspricht.

Every NPC will have a daily routine just like Gothic. NPC will react on stealing. You can't attack innocents, because that doesn't fit Geralt's character.

Die von Spielern oftmals als lästig und schwierig empfundenen Reaktionsspielchen wird es nicht mehr geben.
Hiervon sind aber keine Minispiele wie Faustkampf oder Messerwerfen betroffen.

No more QTEs, BUT minigames like fist fights or knife throwing are not affected? So minigames will still have QTEs?
Knife Throwing was no QTE affair, fist fighting was. I guess they will stay as they were ( we'll see ).

I think the whole no factions things could just be refereed to the main story...but eh we will see.


Forum veteran
- you can import your save game, but it's not going to change backstory of the game. Still, it will affect characters.

Well, as I said before - whole discussion about "which decisions make North stronger was pointless" :p.
Well, as I said before - whole discussion about "which decisions make North stronger was pointless" .

Well then they can do without me as a fan because I won't buy if that's the case, I've stated it before I'll state it again.

You don't just tell your fans "Hey you know every choice you've made in the previous games? All of those don't matter shit". I sure a lot of people won't care though, sadly.
Aver said:
Well, as I said before - whole discussion about "which decisions make North stronger was pointless" :p/>/>.

Which is annoying.

And I hope they don't think 3 1 hour long epilogues is fine as far as consequences in-game go. After TW2, they can't give us 1 hour of different content and call it a day.

I do remember storylines supposedly being different depending on choice as well, with some mutually exclusive paths, so I hope they reveal more on that soon.
CostinMoroianu said:
Knight: I certainly hope that's the case. One for Nilfgaard, one neutral and one the north.

Still 36 ending states is no joke if they do it properly, but we all saw how 16 ending states WAS a joke in TW2.

It doesn't say "final states", just states of the world, maybe through the game and not just at the ending.
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