Patch 1.07 - Changelog

No release here in the UK (PS4) but I'm not spitting my dummy out all over the forum, unlike some cry babies. The patch is coming this weekend and surely to goodness, this must suffice for most people.
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It's already out for the consoles, but for us, pc gamers, we have nothing yet.... this is so disrespectful


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So 1 month and 2 weeks (the approximate time before I complained about ANYTHING) is about 45 times longer than I give any other product. I'd say that's plenty fair.

.Im sorry, but if you know how games get made, how the industry works, and its history, I can't even begin to imagine how you'd think 1 month and 2 weeks is a "fair" amount of time to expect that one of the biggest and most ambitious open world games of all times, with the highest number of complex and custom made quests, would have not a single bug in any quest, thus allowing for 100% completion of missions/works/contracts/etc. Like I said, I think it's very very unrealistic.

If you were my friend for example, and one day you come and ask me "hey dude how long do you think I should wait to make ABSOLUTELY sure that TW3 will not have a single quest-stopping bug?"; my honest answer as someone that wants to help you would be "half a year, but better to wait 8 to 12 months to be THAT sure, and only because its CDPR"

For other companies, I'd say actually that you could never be sure, until the game is like 10 years old and it's already heavily modded with community patches as well as dozens of developer patches, but then again, no other company has made a game like TW3, and any game that could be more or less comparable hasnt reached that amount of years after release yet..


Uhh no? this statement is an hyperbole clearly, but for the sake of brevity I'll just mention bethesda's RPGs, which were, and are, a lot more broken and with coding bugs than TW3, and honestly, who knows what they'd be without the community helping to fix them. I remember when playing Fallout 3 GOTY I encountered a bug in a late game quest, where some shit wouldnt trigger and so the quest could not continue, loading a save didnt fix this, so I just quit the game and considered it done (it was boring anyway) and came back after a few years to see the ending more or less.

Plus seriously, how can you say that no other AAA did something like this in the past 10 years man, bugs dont happen to every single person, there's no way you'd know that every single person was able to finish every single AAA game in the decade after just 1 or 2 months. And I thought what you said before was kind of ridiculous lol, this is way better...

A bug that stops a large number of players from finishing a game is not in any way minor

Indeed its not minor, its major, its in fact the worst kind of bug after crashes or save game corruption, do you have the statistics for the large number of players that can't finish the game?. It has to be a pretty big number, even if we have no way to measure how many of the several millions that bought the game were able to finish it.

I'm not trying to stop you from complaining or anything, but rather just showing you a different perspective that might save you anger and a feeling of unfairness that you could easily avoid. Just like games get frustrating when it feels like you had no choice and/or responsibility for something bad that happened, as if the game or its devs truly were trying to attack you, one will always feel cheated and tricked if you think its just everyone else's fault and it was all so easily avoidable and simple to solve; sometimes its not such case.
So the reward for buying TW3 from GoG is what, getting patch updates last? I'll remember that!

no patch for pc , common...

It's already out for the consoles, but for us, pc gamers, we have nothing yet.... this is so disrespectful

Like I just said on the other thread, stop whining & wait for the patch to be released! Just like 90% of The Witcher 3 adult players & no matter what platform you play on.

Do you spoiled nitpickers realize how disrespectful you sound, talking about getting refunds and such? I would not be surprised if CDPR's devs lost their faith in job/patching well done just by browsing the forums and reading your stupid impatience... Shame on you for degrading the community.

Some people are never satisfied and it's usually the people who demand to be first.
i hope patch 1.07 fix almost all quest.... i will start again new game and if i have to wait again patch 1.08 to play normaly to level 5 + new game... I will give up from this game ...............

when will we see the full list for patch ? I dont see fix for Magic lamp quest !
@up, dude, they live and work in Poland. If Poland never discouraged them than some random people on the internet won't.
I am ONLY demanding what I paid for, a game that is beatable. That's what I paid for. And it's been over 2 months and CDPR hasn't delivered. And it seems that I'll have to wait for the next patch before they MIGHT deliver. That's unacceptable. What I am demanding isn't "completely unrealistic and ridiculous." It is something that EVERY SINGLE AAA TITLE IN THE LAST 10 YEARS HAS DONE EXCEPT the Witcher 3. Witcher 3 is LITERALLY the only AAA title in the last 10 years that hasn't been able to do what I'm asking for. That means that my demands are literally the exact opposite of "completely unrealistic and ridiculous." It means my demands are completely realistic, more than fair, and totally doable, as literally every other AAA title in the last 10 years proves.

I object this blatant exaggeration. Any game from the Elder Scrolls or Fallout series have had the same kind of issues. One of the main GTA V quests was still crashing on my PC 2 months after it came out, despite Rockstar drowning in money since it came out. I just did some research, looked at Dragon Age patch 7 that came out 2 months ago (5 months after release) and it still contains bugfixes for apparently severe issues (and again, BioWare is no small dev shop).

In any case, the amount of content and patches CDP has produced since the game came out cleary doesn't warrant the idea that they've been slacking.

---------- Post merged on 18-07-2015 at 12:16 AM ----------

@up, dude, they live and work in Poland. If Poland never discouraged them than some random people on the internet won't.

I don't know man in many years on the internet I've learned some people can really be persuasively discouraging from an outside perspective, particularly if like me you're not a native English speaker. I think it's the fact that they smart and have good English, and it is easy to mistake well-written clever discourse with actual truth. At the very least it can be seriously confusing seeing so much anger steadily thrown at you with so much energy and education even when you truly are making a lot of efforts.
The problem is the magnification of anger you get on internet. The guy who is angry will google his issues, find a bunch of other people who are also angry about the same issues, and since he's going to spend so much time writing and reading angry content with this bunch of people, soon he thinks the whole world thinks like this (and the fact that 90% of those angry people are 20-something white men doesn't deter his sense of entitlement because clearly if we have learned one thing from history it's that 20-something white men have views over the world that are absolutely unbiased and universal). Cue lines of "I'm not alone in thinking this" "I will spend my money elsewhere" and other things meaning "I'm entitled to everyone's attention because X Y and Z".
For the same reason, if you are more relaxed and spend some time on forums (or as a developer, trying to help your community), you will soon start to think you're the only one thinking in a different manner., wonder why you're making any effort at all and soon start thinking that you'd be better off raising cattle in the mountain, or just straightforward stopping to try to be a good guy and actually do the things you are being accused of.
CDP devs, please continue doing your work as you know you're doing it right!

---------- Updated at 12:55 AM ----------

If I'm waiting a long time for them to fix game-breaking bugs, than I'll be raging here a long time. And else where. You might be so enraptured by their PR and reputation that you don't care, but I guarantee I'm not the only one who won't be continuing to support this studio in the future. And if even a single person reads what I've written and says "Yeah, maybe I shouldn't give CDPR money in the future," than that's a win for gamers everywhere, because this sort of behavior should NOT be tolerated, let along defended.

Wow I hadn't read that bit! Beautiful! And here I was thinking trolls do damage by unjustly blaming people who are actually doing a great job! How wrong I was! Actually, we should be THANKING YOU, no less! I have unmasked you, Super Gamer! You are a superhero, out for defending the gamer against... the guys who make the games!!! You could be out there using your time and energy fighting for truth and peace, but instead you decided to come here and save us from, not EA, not the guys who wrote Angry Birds or Farmville, but the guys who wrote The Witcher! Ha ha ha! They almost got us there! 3 games, 3 critically-acclaimed-and-loved-by-RPG-gamers games, but they were actually out to kill gaming! Insidiously creating the belief that programs can contain bugs even if you're not a lazy bum!! Boom CDP, we're onto you!

I think maybe we should start thinking of the best way to spread Your Word, Super Gamer. Will you allow me the privilege of being the depositary to Your Wisdom? I am but a humble man who was blind and has wrongly enjoyed the forbidden pleasures of Imperfect Gaming. Please forgive me for I have sinned. I would love to make up for it by writing the Book Of How To Write A Video Game (In Less Than Two Months). Please start dictating, I'll get my hammer and chisel.
I'm too lazy to read through that long list of stuff. Did they fix the capped amount of money you could carry? It was pretty easy to roll once you got to a high enough level to explore everywhere without fear of death and collect all those chest that are basically full of nothing but junk to sell ..or, I guess you could drop it on the ground.. seems like a waste to do so though.
Please CD Project add the main character in the post end-game world in the next patch they are nowhere to be found and it feels lonely and depressive :(
Went to bed last night hoping I would be able to get into it this morning :(

Alas I'll have to wait a bit longer - Would be nice with some kind of indication as to when since they already released it on consoles.

"Within 24 hours" is alright if it is released simultaneously, but when its already released on other systems and leaving the PC behind it would be nice to know why?
I expected patches to be released in the same time because I'm sure the PC patch wasn't delivered earlier because they were waiting for consoles verification.

What I didn't expect is console patches to be released earlier, lol.
Still no option to completely disable shadows??? This is completely trivial to implement (a couple of man-hours at most, if not man-minutes) and absolutely crucial for stereoscopic 3d. This is really a shame.
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