Patch 1.1

Nice try CDPR. It's a shame you just broke the game even more than it already was. I was really holding out hope, but no more. I want my money back so I can purchase a game that's actually playable.

Refund requested from Sony.

Good riddance..
Epistrophy quest doesn't fix for me. Approaching near the cab but nothing happen. Also going to another area for another cab don't get any phone call from Delamain.

Is this patch able to fix the broken save ? or Do I have to make a new playthrough?
patch: "Fixed an issue where Takemura wouldn't call in Down on the Street."
players: "Takemura calls immediately in "Down on the Street", but he stays silent."

It's like they forced the calling flag without even looking into the issue properly. Really good job, yeah :coolstory:
Please add the ability to change V's appearance and vehicle customization , as well as the ability to sleep in the bed of V's love interest or his/her friends after their quests, if we get their apartments, then the ability to sleep in it is logical! And please add the NEW GAME PLUSE MODE.You guys are really good and I trust you that you will bring the game to a great state. LOVE YOU


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Well still can't even do "play it safe" despite finishing every other available quest so thanks for nothing. I am still waiting for a refund instead of patches that don't work.


Forum regular
I think the expectations people express here are all a little bit unrealistic (if not straight-up fantasy) or simply stem from misunderstanding of the vision devs had for the game.

Sex scenes with Takamura? Seriously? This character is not there to be a source of erotic arousal. It has a different function in the narrative. Just like they designed Judy to be homosexual. Also, it's an action game. Not a dating game with soft porn elements. Plenty of the latter on the market. Just people f-ing please.

The infamous walk button? Just hold aim. And they walk. Case closed.

Police? Gotta agree that the teleportation is a bit anti-lore-friendly and obviously it was rushed. But! This is not a Rockstar game. You're not a criminal. You're not supposed kill civilians. And when you do, the game punishes you for it. Just like Pac-Man would punish you for getting caught by the ghosts by losing one life. It's a video game after all.

Meaningful choices? Different endings? Not gonna happen. The game has been released. They are not gonna change it to a completely different game by rewriting the whole plot! Case closed.

Everything else? CDPR is bogged down by the botched console launch. Apparently, they are even in legal trouble because of it. Probably they just can't afford to invest work hours into anything else until this goes away. Also, the mechanics must be fixed before anything else. The broken stats and perks and mods and everything. The actual meat of the game.
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Thanks for the hard work. Sorry that this whole thing blew up the way it did.

I'm not expecting a miracle on base last Gen consoles. But can we please get a patch that let's combat actually function? 90% of the reason I chose a stealth build was because the moment I get in a firefight the FPS drops to 15.

Again, thanks for the hard work. But there is still a lot of it to do.
Thanks for the hard work. Sorry that this whole thing blew up the way it did.

I'm not expecting a miracle on base last Gen consoles. But can we please get a patch that let's combat actually function? 90% of the reason I chose a stealth build was because the moment I get in a firefight the FPS drops to 15.

Again, thanks for the hard work. But there is still a lot of it to do.

Yeah FPS decreased for me after this update, idk what the hell is going on with this game. Honestly I was too supportive of CDPR and the game right after game launch and even till 2021, but now I'm losing hope. I don't get why you are apologizing for their mistake of false advertising and false marketing. They aren't listening to the players anymore, or if they are idk who these players are. They seem to fix bugs which I have never seen on any forum post. And the ones most requested for are never in the patches. Absolutely Ridiculous this whole situation.

I don't know how hard is it to add a walk option... its a single function. All you need to do is change one variable of speed and have 1 different animation(which is already there for NPC walk animation). Maybe take a few scenarios where it would crash the game because you know lmao that's what's been happening. There are countless features and fixes which can be implemented very easily which are actually very useful to the players...

Did they seriously just increase the number of phone calls from Delamain when people are requesting there be a DECLINE button? I guess quest completers need it but damn. 1 month for this update really? At this pace idk how par CP77 is gonna go even after the whole "Our Commitment" thing.
You can't please some people. Who ever thought that bugs and problems would ever occur. People asking for a refund get your refund. It seems you are incapable of appreciating any effort the team's put in to get this great game to an even higher level. Maybe you you should come and join us over at Star Citizen and then you might understand the massive scope and effort that these people put in on a daily basis. Patience is a virtue. This game will reach even higher levels of polish in the coming months and years. CDPR, Never lose sight and keep up the great work. Believe it or not there are many of us who love this game and want it to evolve even more.
PS5 changes:

1) played for 3+- hours now and no crashes. Drove to city like a maniac. Ran around... cried for few with the vending machine.
2) Drivers now honk and a bit more aggressive. FYI Rivers should not be given driver license .... that thing is maniac on a road.
3) Looks like texture and etc improvement dramatically and PS5 handling the game just fine. only had 1 bug with BD when exit the message on screen saying leaving area did not go away.
4) NPC got better, dodging now a bit more smarter.
5) Dude Rivers should not be driving in this game.
6) Either speed of cars slowed down or they now have better traction.
7) Skin textures look better now, uvmapping looks like is way better now.
8) Car collision changed now. Before that it was car who hit me got flipped to side as if i was lower then they are. Now hit is a hit.
9) when you call car, it does not fall from sky no more and breaks smoothly.

Addition after playing for 8 hours straight.
I had 3 crashes, and all took place in city when entering from bridge.
little UI glitches and people appearing in space and or in side my car lol
one missions "Kerry" where i need to steal his guitar. He just randomly appeared in his house... i reloaded mission and he was not there no more...
RIVERs is very bad driver.... that mofo kills and runs over very thing in his way.
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You can't please some people. Who ever thought that bugs and problems would ever occur. People asking for a refund get your refund. It seems you are incapable of appreciating any effort the team's put in to get this great game to an even higher level. Maybe you you should come and join us over at Star Citizen and then you might understand the massive scope and effort that these people put in on a daily basis. Patience is a virtue. This game will reach even higher levels of polish in the coming months and years. CDPR, Never lose sight and keep up the great work. Believe it or not there are many of us who love this game and want it to evolve even more.
i love it and i am pissed that people who returned got game for free, including collectors pack :( and now they selling collector packs from $500 to $1,000. I liked the game so much i wanted to buy collector pack.
You can't please some people. Who ever thought that bugs and problems would ever occur. People asking for a refund get your refund. It seems you are incapable of appreciating any effort the team's put in to get this great game to an even higher level. Maybe you you should come and join us over at Star Citizen and then you might understand the massive scope and effort that these people put in on a daily basis. Patience is a virtue. This game will reach even higher levels of polish in the coming months and years. CDPR, Never lose sight and keep up the great work. Believe it or not there are many of us who love this game and want it to evolve even more.

You are right and thats how I have been thinking all this while. But I can't help but wonder how its gonna go considering this patch. Losing Hope.
I see a lot of people here disappointed that they didn't add a lot of features or change already existing features.

But this is a bug fix patch. I'm sure they'll get to those highly requested changes later (like a bigger minimap when driving, improving the AI, improving the driving etc.), but I'm glad they're focusing on fixing the actual bugs for now.
I really and truly like this game, and I want to continue to play it, but every time I do there is some sort of glitch either with the character freezing, or the damn game kicking me off and rebooting. I really hope this patch fixes all of that. Because I'm borderline ready to trade up and move on like a bad relationship.
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