Populating The World of TW3 (Ideas)

Populating The World of TW3 (Ideas)

What added details would make the open world of TW3 more rich and fun to play in and explore?
Give me your very best ideas and try to keep it short and simple as possible. Thank You;)
I have nothing new at the moment. Nothing to share anyway. Well nothing that CDPR haven't done already. I would love even more elaborate discussions between npcs in the world. Little anecdotes from their lives or past, possibly commenting Geralt's deeds(and not just him passing by). That would enrichen the world for me.
What added details would make the open world of TW3 more rich and fun to play in and explore?
Give me your very best ideas and try to keep it short and simple as possible. Thank You;)

- monsters that hunt Geralt and play with him, follow his footsteps, try to scare him but when the player expects strike they dissapear.
- burning forests in nomans-land. I mean literally walls of fire spreading from whole horizon, smoke thick as fuck so you can't see.
- Some cursed gear or loot wchich is at first preaty damm good but then starts to give you disadventages. Like mouse lagg, or addiction to alcohol, inverts screen and all crazy shit that nobody ever done.
- NPC that simply are sad, or angry like in W1 where old people were complaining, and others replaid to fuck of rather than "hello fellow traweller, what a nice day,"
- kids in poor areas that try to pick-pocket you
- cities and villages should close thair gates for night. Player then would be constantly in danger from beasts.
- Some camuflage made of shrubs, and rags to pass tghrough Scioatel or to pretend to be one of them.
- and some mistery npc-s talking about grat treasures, ancient palaces,castles, underwater cites wchich you will try to find but never succed, then world would be more realistic not just themepark like bethesda games. Place something beoyound players reach
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What other animals does it need? Squirrels, snakes, lizards, pigs, cows, chickens, cats, dogs, bats, sheep, rats, a variety of birds and fish and bugs, bees, flies, butterflies, beavers, goats and my honey badger gawd damn it :)
Quiet, intimate moments when you gather your friends around a campfire, exchanging stories from the past and rumours of today.

While Dandelion tunes his lute and starts singing...

Its moments like that that make me really feel part of the story, like the giraffes in The Last of Us, it brings you closer to the characters, I hope we get a camp save system similar to read dead exactly for that reason, maybe get some brief flashbacks of merry times from the books sometimes.

A cool way to make the world more rich imo would be doing something like the inns in Tales of Symphonia for the camps(if there are camps) and Inns in TW3, that beign: when you set camp somewhere or sleep in an Inn you fast forward to the next morning or in some cases something happens during the night, that makes you feel the days going by and that imo is very important for the story
Its moments like that that make me really feel part of the story, like the giraffes in The Last of Us, it brings you closer to the characters, I hope we get a camp save system similar to read dead exactly for that reason, maybe get some brief flashbacks of merry times from the books sometimes.

A cool way to make the world more rich imo would be doing something like the inns in Tales of Symphonia for the camps(if there are camps) and Inns in TW3, that beign: when you set camp somewhere or sleep in an Inn you fast forward to the next morning or in some cases something happens during the night, that makes you feel the days going by and that imo is very important for the story

Indeed.. or little details like being able to sit in chairs or on benches throughout the world would be really nice too.
I doubt meaningful conversations with trolls is likely but I'd like to see them apart of the world as much as a person. Quests aren't necessary since people don't often want trolls killed (excluding Loredo), I'd like to know what Nilfgaardians think of "friendly" monsters though since it's never talked about.
That's a thread for me, I like fantasizing.
Great ideas!
Let's hope something is already implemented. Other ideas are a stuff for modding. Let's hope, REDkit will be out soon and more modders-friendly.

- and some mistery npc-s talking about grat treasures, ancient palaces,castles, underwater cites wchich you will try to find but never succed, then world would be more realistic not just themepark like bethesda games. Place something beoyound players reach

This is a truly great idea - giving a player hints that lead to nowhere. But there must be something in the end, some kind of reward, or potential quest, because for some people it will be extremely frustrating. Once I played a game that had a quest with a puzzle. It was a mini-game you played with AI. It was impossible to win, the best result was a draw. I still after all those years want to meet the developers of this game and tell them what I think about them.

Quiet, intimate moments when you gather your friends around a campfire, exchanging stories from the past and rumours of today.

It was discussed in some thread. I remember that many people wanted Geralt to talk about his recent endeavors with his friends, not just listening to the same phrases. Some kind of feed-back or possibility to boast. And Dandellion must sing real songs with a good singing voice. At last. Even in famous TV series he was singing.

What other animals does it need? Squirrels, snakes, lizards, pigs, cows, chickens, cats, dogs, bats, sheep, rats, a variety of birds and fish and bugs, bees, flies, butterflies, beavers, goats and my honey badger gawd damn it :)

Squirrels - we have an entire nonhuman guerrilla army named in their honor, they must be hiding somewhere in forests.
Is it some american thing about honey badger?

Wouldn't mind a troll and a working bridge.

It's a repeating theme in both Witcher games: broken bridge.
What other animals does it need? Squirrels, snakes, lizards, pigs, cows, chickens, cats, dogs, bats, sheep, rats, a variety of birds and fish and bugs, bees, flies, butterflies, beavers, goats and my honey badger gawd damn it :)

Actually we've seen sheep at least, and I'm sure I've seen some other farm animal.

But yeah I like your suggestions, and even Witcher 1 had some birds flying around and bats in caves and crypts. More of that to create some form of atmosphere and ambiance. I love ambiance of Witcher 1. 2 was good as well but 1 has a special place in my heart. Has anyone but me ever mentioned giant bumblebees in Witcher 3? They're mentioned in The Last Wish and it would be cool to see CDPR's take of them. I have one remark though, and Indy said it best:

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That's a thread for me, I like fantasizing.
Great ideas!
Let's hope something is already implemented. Other ideas are a stuff for modding. Let's hope, REDkit will be out soon and more modders-friendly. When got a min just go look up the honey badger narrated by randall on youtube ;)
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Actually we've seen sheep at least, and I'm sure I've seen some other farm animal.

But yeah I like your suggestions, and even Witcher 1 had some birds flying around and bats in caves and crypts. More of that to create some form of atmosphere and ambiance. I love ambiance of Witcher 1. 2 was good as well but 1 has a special place in my heart. Has anyone but me ever mentioned giant bumblebees in Witcher 3? They're mentioned in The Last Wish and it would be cool to see CDPR's take of them. I have one remark though, and Indy said it best:

And what
does the honey badger eat for lunch? COBRA!
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