(SPOILER) For anyone who doesn't want to lose everyone in the ending game

So i found out how to keep everyone without having to do the ending (for anyone that has already completed the game) basically what you want to do is wait till you get to the missions final preparations this is where everyone is in Novigrad in dandelions inn and you can fully interact with your companions and hug them take them out on side quests and witcher hunts you do including Ciri aswell it's like the band of your full witcher crew is back it's good but you won't get the full ending but i feel it's worth it as if anyone has finished the game you might feel empty without anyone. But yea if it works for you comment down below on how it was
Yea the companion mod that allows you to talk to them and even hug then it even go as far to go out into the wilderness with them its a shame tho because im on console but i hope once the developers have finished with cyberpunk they would add that in to have them appear and have them as companions in the ending. Everything seems lonely without everyone.
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