What's your favorite way of defeating your enemies?

What's your favorite way of defeating your enemies?

It is a difficult question for me to answer now.
I've tried a bit and become a little uncertain about my choices.

Aard is very strong when you I have a lot of signs power.
But I think it's a little boring as you kill them easily in the exact same way.
One stab in the chest.
Unlike when you swing the sword and heads or other parts gets chopped off.
You don't know what will happen.

One thing I like is to put enemies on flame with Igni and then kill them with my sword.

Absolute favorite is the use Whirl (to see Geralt dance with sword), it's amazing.

Whirl + Igni, that's my favorite way I think.
Just don't have enough points to make Igni any good as you need many points to get Whirl sword special ability, tho.. You do crazy sword damage!

What about you guys?


Forum veteran
I haven't unlocked any of the special moves yet but I'm looking forward to trying them out. Currently I'm having fun with the flamethrower mode for Igni and also with the 'auto-firing' Yrden. They're both pretty satisfying. I like finishing Axii-ed bandits as well. I rarely use Quen and Aard. It's usually just Igni + the good old swords.
Pretty much the same like you mentioned, Igni to burn then swordplay, aard then stab with sword, trade Quen barrier with fast attack, but I also like to use yrden once in a while, I think Geralt will deal more damage for enemies inside Yrden.
In the beginning i was using Quen + Igni all the time but i usually use that against monsters now and agains humans i use Quen + Axii because with Axii it is easy to get finishers in 1 hit and they look pretty cool. I'll try to improve Aaard too tho.
I provide irrefutable arguments.

I am a pacifist.

---------- Updated at 07:13 PM ----------

I provide irrefutable arguments.

I am a pacifist.
Was hooked on signs but then I tried Whirl:
Hmm... This video didn't end so well, they kinda hurt you bad even tho you are twice their level.
The problem with that whirl style is it takes too much point to spend, it's tier 3 skill (or is it 4 I forgot), and the whirl doesn't seem to land much on enemies, it has pattern but the enemies are randomly placed. I was sign built but tempted to try swordman built, in the end I went back to sign build.

It's a cool move though, and feels good when it works as expected ;D
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@Smurfin, this is a better example of how good Whirl can do:

I recommend seeing it in 1080p 60fps with 0.50 speed on YouTube (mute sound)
It's a beautiful dance.
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Igni and sword, followed by an axii stun and punch to face when their health is low... Sometimes I don't want to kill (though it still counts as killing obviously)

I'm doing an alchemist build, so no fun signs or special moves. :(
Wow it's also effective for single target. Worth giving it a second try. Can we control where Geralt aim ? Last time I tried that skill I think I missed a lot so I reset back.
My favourite way is to bring a some bandits to low hp, then circle around them so they form a nice bunch... and then comes a precisely aimed grapeshot...BOOM.
1. Capture 2 bandits
2. force them to fight eachother
4.Emhyr approves

For real tho i cast AARD and then execute them.
Wow it's also effective for single target. Worth giving it a second try. Can we control where Geralt aim ? Last time I tried that skill I think I missed a lot so I reset back.
Yes you can move him in the direction you want.
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