GEAR and Crafting: Clothing, Armor, and doohickeys...

Yes, controversial I know. Well, somewhat. Depending on your age and nationality, possibly religion.

Anyway, Cyberpunk 2020 has many, many drugs. Some recreational, some combat-boosters. Because R.tal is definitely NOT in favour of drug use, ( they say so in the main book) drugs in CP2020 are both potent and reallllly nasty in side effects and addiction. And the cure for them will mess you up. Stay Away is the general message. Don't Dorph - Don't Let Friends Dorph.


Videogames LOVE drugs. We generally use them as healing potions or mana potions or strength boosters or whatever. Witcher, of course, makes constant use of combat drugs. With little to no side effects. in CP2020, Black Lace addiction will fairly quickly and easily turn you into a cyberpsycho just like in the trailer.

Only in the PnP, your character is done-done. Roll a new one, the book instructs.

How do you feel CP2077 should handle chemical augmentation and recreation? Harshly? More gently? Like potions? Should you just regenerate a la Call of Duty? Or should you need medical attention and addictive painkillers?

Drugs use should have (nasty) side effects.

That said, I'm not terribly thrilled by automatic regeneration a la Call of Duty.

Maybe something like:
Medical drugs can be used up to X times in a 24-hour period with little-to-no side effects. Over use WILL cause problems.
The perfect Criminal Drug. Datura and the chemical scopolamine. Drop it in a victim's drink or some other clever way and have them take you voluntarily to an ATM machine to wipe out their entire savings. They can have a synthetic version.
GEAR: Clothing, Armor, and doohickeys...

We have threads concerning Weapons, Cybernetics, and Vehicles... the fourth and final side of loot is gear. Obviously Clothes and armor are a big part, as are items that could mimic cyber, like Smartshades and certain battlegloves. There are also very specific items that need to be added just to make the basic premise of the game work, like Cyberdecks for netrunning.

But what about the other gear? Obviously it wouldn't be feasible, or remotely wise, to try and include all the gear.... hell a lot of it would be impossible to implement in any meaningful way without eating up a ton of game resources that could be better spent elsewhere...

But what should be included? What is essential?

Here is an illustrated list of all the gear present from all the published Cyberpunk 2020 materials.

What do you think needs to be represented?
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I already suspect a Adam Jensen outfit in a dlc or some easter egg stuff, coz that skin/suit/whatever is in every SE title now lol
but it is cool no doubt.
Hm. Not sure if there's anything really more that I'd want in the game.

As long as you give me character customization options (clothing, hairstyle, etc.) and lots of sweet gear by way of weapons, not sure there's anything else I need in-game.

Only other thing I can maybe think of are a variety of cyberdecks (or smartphones, for the neo-Luddites) that have different in-game models (or at least, different skins on the same model.) Cyberdecks and smartphones that can, under the right circumstances, be taken away from you.
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Carryalls and dufflebags! No other game has concentrated so on the look and shape of your inventory-carrier! Plus, living out of your carry-all is very 2020. They could focus on strap length and side pockets, ribs, stripes/no stripes, inner compartments.... so many things.
You should be able to get a cyberweave for your clothes so your inconspicuous looking jacket actually has a decent armor rating.
Carryalls and dufflebags! No other game has concentrated so on the look and shape of your inventory-carrier! Plus, living out of your carry-all is very 2020. They could focus on strap length and side pockets, ribs, stripes/no stripes, inner compartments.... so many things.

Not sure if serious....
Well they should definitely put everything that looks cool and dope. Plus I only carry essentials in game, unless I'm looting because whoever I just killed has some sweet expensive gear. Must go sell to a fence NOW type of party.

Style is everything and all the fashion in the chromebooks were futuristic. More moving pictures on clothing.
The non-cybernetic equivalents, battlegloves, mirror shades, exoskeletons, etc..

Also the different types of decks for runners as well.
The non-cybernetic equivalents, battlegloves, mirror shades, exoskeletons, etc..
I figured this would've been a given. But yes, I agree; if I don't want to get all hard in the face, I'd like there to be alternatives.

Gotta admit, there *is* some benefit when you're CLEARLY outnumbered, and that Booster says, "Gimme dem eyes..." if they're not surgically implanted in yer face.
All I ask is for a large-ass variety of cybernetic gear that will appeal to everyone. Give it your best shot.
I hope to see many gadgets: multi-vision goggles, gun propelled sticky bugs that can help me track targets, eaves dropping and surveillance tech, special boot types for different tasks - some for jumping others for enhanced parkour, retractable blades in my gloves, a grapple/rappelling hook and line, portable emergency narcotics and adrenaline booster kit, high frequency sound emitters, long range listening devices, retractable mini-torch cutter, nano-camera and video recorder..I'll think of more later.
Oi, slimgrin: are you familiar with the PnP? Some of the things you mention are canon; there's smartgoggles that take the place of optic implants, and Battlegloves that take the place of cyberarms. Both offer upgradeable options normally reserved for the respective cyber appendages, without all that pesky surgery, or funny looks from TSA agents when you pass through the metal detectors.

Hadn't considered a grappling hook before. Are you thinking of a simple mechanic, or something integral to the game, a-la Just Cause 2? There, seems like a big part of the engine is built around the grappling hook mechanic. I'd imagine something that complex would require a LOT of dev time.
Oi, slimgrin: are you familiar with the PnP? Some of the things you mention are canon; there's smartgoggles that take the place of optic implants, and Battlegloves that take the place of cyberarms. Both offer upgradeable options normally reserved for the respective cyber appendages, without all that pesky surgery, or funny looks from TSA agents when you pass through the metal detectors.

Hadn't considered a grappling hook before. Are you thinking of a simple mechanic, or something integral to the game, a-la Just Cause 2? There, seems like a big part of the engine is built around the grappling hook mechanic. I'd imagine something that complex would require a LOT of dev time.

Not familiar yet, those are off the top of my head. I mainly want the grappling hook and or rappel/traverse lines as an alternate means to infiltrate buildings, and get a sense of vertical scale. I hope we aren't confined to the street level. But I certainly don't see it as a core game mechanic as in Just Cause 2.
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