Anyone else not liking the graphic executions? [GIF warning]

So long as monsters and human enemies behave reasonably while alive I cannot give a flying fuck what happens to their head in the instant of their death.

It is incorrect, but sometimes a little exaggeration is fine. They are *done* at that point anyway.

In that case all bodies should just explode in a HUGE fountain of blood in the moment of their death.

Because fuck realism... :p

And "done" is relative: you can always change things, even post release. Especially if it's only graphical/physical stuff.
I think there is a point when people's 'hypercriticality' is destined to lead to disappointment.

If we can't discuss stuff like that on the forum, where else should we do it?

It seems like it's almost forbidden these days to say anything against this game, even if it's just a minor point somebody mentioned. There is actually no need for people to rally up like some evil force threatens the game just because somebody dared to point out something that s/he doesn't like that much...

And imho "blind hype" is even more destined to lead to disappointment than having a good insight in what you can expect and what not (with all strengths AND probably weaknesses)... ;)
Yes fuck realism, because in realism you aren't actually allowed to chop other people's heads off. This is a game.

Also by *done* I meant dead/ended/finished/no longer among the living, imminently pushing up the daisies (after being looted of course).

You can of course edit elements to your heart's content in Redkit once it is released (or disable some things altogether in options right now)... or we are all waiting for you to finish your cheese and whine, and to produce your magnificent octopus. I'm sure it will be visually stunning and completely physically realistic. When is the release date?
How dare you say anything against CDPR.... Just Kidding...
Scholdarr.452 : I think what Lieste meant by done was that character was not going to do anything in the game anymore and thus completely ignorable... Dead is dead. (opps Lieste answered before I got done typing hehe...)
Personally I don't care either way if the killing is abnormal, in fact I'll probably find it amusing... It won't kill the realism for me as I've never beheaded anyone in real life...
Yes fuck realism, because in realism you aren't actually allowed to chop other people's heads off. This is a game.
Please read again my last post to TheEvilChris. Don't mix up realism and reality just for the sake of making up an argument where there is none.

The world of the Witcher was made in a clear, distinctive way. This way is "realism" here. It's sticking to a certain set of rules that are not based on OUR REALITY but on THE REALTY SAPKOWSKI CHOSE for his world/franchise.

And yes, CDPR can change things. But that's artistic freedom and fans of the franchise have every right to be upset about this. So why are you so aggressive about me not liking this? I don't get it, sorry. The simple fact is that I know every inch of this world and that I love the books to the teeth. So yes, you can call me a fanboy of Sapkowski's world and characters. This game is based on this world so I have certain expectations regarding its content. If these expectations aren't met in some aspects I'm probably disappointed, as you might have already guessed. Shouldn't be that much of a big deal for yourself though. Just accept my different opinion and that I think you should respect the lore and only change it if there is a damn good reason. And visual over-the-top violence is imo no such good reason. Simple.

I know exactly what he meant. It's just that I disagree 100% with his opinion and that it also makes no sense to me. That opinion seems a lot like cherry-picking to me aka "I want certain rules for this world but they must only apply here and here and not there - because,hm , reasons". To me that's an inconsistent approach and view and inconsistency is the death of a believable world imo.
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Fuck realism...Where's the magic of unbutton a bra gone?

*sight...This so unreal way that sorceresses have to remove their clothing doesn't break the immersion?
"At CDProjekt RED, it has always been our goal to take you on adventures both legendary, and grounded in reality" Not entirely true though is it?

I'm not hugely fussed about the rocket-powered heads, but I do agree it would be better if it was more realistic.

Cutting a grown man in half with one of the fast attacks as opposed to the charged up powerattacks really takes away from my immersion though, especially when it doesn't even line up with the direction of the slash. Would be better to include more hand/arm dismemberment as a means of adding gore, from what we've seen, the diagonal torso split is what happens like 90% of the time, which really takes away from the wow-factor of it.
And "done" is relative: you can always change things, even post release. Especially if it's only graphical/physical stuff.

Sorry must of misunderstood this reply then. To me it sounded like you thought Lieste was saying the game was "done" and were pointing out it wasn't...

I agree with your points for the most part. If the dismemberment happens too often it will detract from immersion for some people (not me but I see your point ;) ). Though it has been mentioned it can be turned off, that would also remove a nice feature. Would be nice to have a setting between on and off for those that it will kill the mood. One (On no physics) (On with real physics) and (off) maybe even another seperate option for less gore
"At CDProjekt RED, it has always been our goal to take you on adventures both legendary, and grounded in reality" Not entirely true though is it?

I'm not hugely fussed about the rocket-powered heads, but I do agree it would be better if it was more realistic.

Cutting a grown man in half with one of the fast attacks as opposed to the charged up powerattacks really takes away from my immersion though, especially when it doesn't even line up with the direction of the slash. Would be better to include more hand/arm dismemberment as a means of adding gore, from what we've seen, the diagonal torso split is what happens like 90% of the time, which really takes away from the wow-factor of it.

Just because they took some creative liberties with some aspects of the game to make it look cool, doesn't mean that it's not grounded in reality.
And the flying heads and cutting people and the fatalities, sorry, finishers, are legen - wait for it - dary! :)
@val.mitev That is the very definition of not being grounded in reality... Changing something to not work the way normal physics work... Whether it is super cool or not has nothing to do with if it is realistic.

Should have Geralt cast Aard on the Head as he cuts it off. That is the reason it flies away. That'd make it even cooler and stay realistic :D
I suppose it's highly subjective, but for me, watching that guy get cut in half by that appallingly powerful slash by Geralt in the Griffin hunt demo (first gameplay video revealed) was amazing, although still a little bit jarring with the inaccuracy of the angle. However, cutting a man in half has already lost all of its luster because we see it ALL THE TIME. Nearly every fight in every video we've seen since that has had at least one enemy getting cut in half, often by attacks that look like the were much more focused on speed and precision rather than raw power like we saw in the Griffin hunt demo.
They are pre - wait for it - mature...

Good thing that you can disable them, so there it goes, no more champagne cork heads for you. :)

---------- Updated at 06:21 PM ----------

That is the very definition of not being grounded in reality... Changing something to not work the way normal physics work... Whether it is super cool or not has nothing to do with if it is realistic.

So, basically you'll disregard the rest of the game and everything it does right, just because of some flying head effect?
Maybe the guy just had high blood pressure and Geralt helped him blow off some steam.

Still, it's just a small thing and it can be disabled, so if it's that jarring for you, you can turn if off.
Good thing that you can disable them, so there it goes, no more champagne cork heads for you. :)

You can only disable graphical executions as a whole but not just the ridiculous, premature parts. Again, I have nothing against executions since Geralt's fighting style is brutal, cruel and highly effective, I just don't like stuff that is only made for the eye candy and over-the-top effects. That's premature imo and out of touch with the rest of the so beautiful, grounded, mature world and character design. I want "realistic" executions. But I can obviously only have no executions at all or over-the-top ridiculous ones and both options suck... :/
So, basically you'll disregard the rest of the game and everything it does right, just because of some flying head effect?
Ummm... Obviously you haven't read my previous posts. I said I don't care either way about the effect being in game or not, and it won't bother me... I'm not against the effect ;) Just stating that your statement was not correct IMO
Why only apply realism in combat?

Because we are playing in a fantasy world. The realism spoken about combat is referring to Physics which apply to both real and fantasy worlds. Everything else... Hard to say a unicorn isn't realistic when it is in a fantasy world :D
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