[EPILOGUE] Ending cutscene / cinematic discussion

Ok, i my thougts about this story....Nilfgaard never stopped to think about the Northern Kingdoms conquest, so after the peace treaty they sent agents ( Jacques De Aldesberg, Count De Wett, Yaevinn and Toruviel) to unleash the hell at Temeria, remember that De Wett himself is a Nilfgardian, in the previous war Yaevinn and Toruviel sided with Nilfgaard as Scoia'tael guerilla, De Aldesberg is (probably) Alvin who got brainwashed (as a child, remember when he teleport away, we dont know where he finiished, and remember also that no one know about the past of De Aldesberg, but only that he was a fanatic homeless poor guy with great magic potential and and an unbelievable angry to the non-humans, remember that Alvin was kidnapped by scoiatael..)...ok lets continue with the conspiracy, De Wett was sent to set up a friendship with princess Adda (and of course, he cursed her again for prevent Foltest to ally with Redania), Yaevinn and Toruviel if they succeded to win with scoiatel, probably the Nilfgardian Empire could have granted them some land like they have done with Dil Blathanna....So, my conclusion in this game u should end as a neutral because both order of the flaming rose and scoiatale are a pathetic effort to conquer northern kingdoms without fight Temeria...oh and the cutscene from the end.....well im pretty sure that he assasin is a witcher from cat school, sent from Radovid to kill foltest, and take the throne after it with Adda...
I realy cant see alvin being the GM, it's just too screwed up a timeline. The flaming rose attack on the village at the end of chapter 4, did it say it was ordered by the GM or someone else, if it was the GM then the GM cant realy be alvin because that would lead to one messed up time circle.At the end where the GM returns garlds words only twisted, remember they are in a dream like trance where thier minds are connected.and about the vision itself, i dont see how that could be a vision of the future when it has creatures from the past. The Skullheads are prehistoric creatures not what mankind evolves to. A book even says they have found fossils of the skullheads. This leads me to believe that a lot of what you see in that vision was fabricated by the GM or from garalds memory.Im not sure where the debate on the assisin at the end is comming from, it was just an unknown witcher, Garld believes there are only the 4 left the appearance of an unknown witcher sets up a sequal.
I don't see how the time circle would be "messed up". Confusing, maybe, but not messed up.This is the way I think the things went: when all heck breaks loose in Murky Waters, Alvin panics and uses his powers. He either transports himself to an icy place similar to the one we saw at the end of the epilogue, or he saw a vision of it (which one, that doesn't matter). Seeing nothing but ice everywhere he looked, and probably remembering that prophecy he had uttered (either consciously or subconsciouosly), he begins to think that this is the future (while, for reasons tsmith9 said, it is probably the past). He also sees the vaguely humanlike skullheads, and reasons that those must be what is left of humans (we have to remember that the boy was most likely pretty shocked at the moment). He might also see things caused by the glacier withdrawing (as it did in the real life), such as rocks or mountain peaks being somewhat visible (he could've mistaken those for castles and such), and the south being relatively free of ice (which is why he insists on leading the people there).Having seen all this, Alvin becomes determined that he saw the vision and uttered the prophecy because it is his Destiny to save the people from the coming doom. He either teleports to a time closer to his birth or already is there (depending on whether he actually visited the past or not), and begins training his skills and coming up with a plan. Decades pass, he becomes Jacques de Aldeberg (the name might be because he found it grander and more fitting for a GM than "Alvin", or he might have unknowingly inspired himself during the time the events of the game take place), founds the Order of the Flaming Rose and founds or sponsors the Salamandra.The reason for his actions seeming to cause harm to his past self is most likely pure coincidence. In Vizima (both the city itself as well as the Outskirts), I believe it was the Salamandra acting on its own which caused Alvin trouble. The most probable reason for this (in my opinion) is that Azar Javed did not want to be a mere pawn of Aldeberg, and having discovered a powerful source like Alvin, wanted to capture him and use him against the GM in the oncoming struggle for power (which never happened, of course).The incident in Murky Waters, where the cycle becomes complete, most likely took place due to one of the following things: de Aldeberg thought his younger self was safely in Vizima, he knew young Alvin was there but couldn't pass the opportunity to kill the elves (since it was indicated in the prophecy that that the cataclysm would begin when the elven blood soaked the earth), he didn't remember himself being there (which I found unlikely), or the forces of Destiny made him do it so that the whole thing with the Order of the Flaming Rose could even happen.
Where can I download a high resolution version of this ending movie?( And other movies from the Witcher, like gameplay)
Ineresting opinions, some i like, some not fit what i think about this....anyway ive already wrote what i think about it...But what u guys dont get (or at least, no one wrote it in all these arguments) its the following chat-line from Jacques De Aldesberg in the very end just before the fight :"And i will protect the poor people from getting killed by this prophecy, with my legions of mutants, and i will lead these people to the SOUTH" (well i dont know if it fit the english counterpart, but im italian so i translated it aproximately, but i hope u get it lol) ok lets see more closely this phrase....I WILL LEAD THESE PEOPLE (NORDLINGS) TO THE SOUTH...WHAT COUNTRY THERE IS IN SOUTH??? N I L F G A A R D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u get it now?? ;)
FlyingDoc said:
Where can I download a high resolution version of this ending movie?( And other movies from the Witcher, like gameplay)
It should be in the following directory :...\The Witcher Enhanced Edition\Data\Movies\ ;DAnyway, I've JUST completed the game for the first time, and I can definitely agree with what some people say in the forums: "what the heck?? that's it??"There are quite a lot (read: REALLY A LOT) of loose threads left hanging. I can also see lots of debate on the Alvin/GM issue, the assassin in the ending, and a few other theories. I can't help but agree that Alvin is the GM and vice versa, especially with all those hints of the GM having the same amulet, referencing the same ideals that YOU imparted onto Alvin. It has been mentioned that Alvin MAY have jumped through time, and time travelling in ANY story/setting/fiction/game can definitely get messy and contradictory. Regardless, I'm a first timer in the world of The Witcher, and i absolutely I loved the story, and hope that, one way or another, it gets continued *cough sequel or book cough* ;D I've already ordered The Last Wish and am just waiting for it! Please get the rest of the saga translated (to english) ASAP!! :beer:
Just completed it.I think the GM is Alvin from the future who has come back in time. The people who think it isn't are reading to deeply into it in my opinion.I don't think the assassin can be Geralt, if it's him from the future surely you would see his scar. If it's Geralt from the past then as soon as Geralt kills the assassin, Geralt should die. I think the reason Geralt is surprised is because it's a Witcher, but he's using a salamandra fighting style, a reason for a sequel maybe.The thing the puzzles me is that when you talk to Berengar he mentions that Geralt leaves his leg open at a certain point when fighting, notice this is how the assassin knocks Geralt down (why else would he mention this weakness). Berengar did work for salamandra for a while though, so he could have told them.Either way i liked the ending, first ending i've seen that left people asking 41 pages of questions ;D
I got the hint that the Grandmaster was Alvin - but don't want to accept it. I grew so close to the little family idea for the witcher with Shani and Alvin.I hope that if he is, at least you'll be able to change the course - maybe for the witcher 2 - have some choices to alvin becoming the grandmaster, but to be able to avert it.As for the assassin I have no idea, another witcher?
look at his face: he doesn't really look like any of the known witchers...
Yes you are right though parts of his face are hidden in the shade of the hood. I favour the idea of a witcher we didn't met in the game so far. It leaves all possibilities open for a new exciting adventure / complot.
PetraSilie said:
Yes you are right though parts of his face are hidden in the shade of the hood. I favour the idea of a witcher we didn't met in the game so far. It leaves all possibilities open for a new exciting adventure / complot.
my opinion as well. I think if it was someone of the known characters, for example Alvin as suggested by some people, the story would just get way too complicated than necessary
Yah, doesn't look like any of the characters I 've seen. Kool getting pic. 8)EDIT: Yes tis true--doesn't matter--and you make good point. Wticher's are not normally assassins nor do they normally mess around in politics. :hmmm: Can't wait for the sequel 8)
I don't understand all this fuss about the ending cut-scene. It's obvious that the identity of the assassin is irrelevant. It's his witcher's eyes that amazed Geralt. The very idea of an unknown witcher clan meddling in politics, using their power to eliminate rivals. And at the same time preserving absolute secrecy. Hard to believe that killing Foltest was an initiative of some witcher gone mad. Those questions cross Geralt's mind, either the unlucky assassin's name was Bob or Wagner.
A bizarre theory. Regardless of who Alvin is, he's an annoying pain in the ass throughout the entire game. I tried to reward him for his insolence, but he couldn't be killed. :p
Ok i dunno if this has been said or not bc im not reading 42 pages and 3 years worth of posts but here is what i think and seems the most sensible from the pages of ideas i did read.So what do you guys think about salamandra succeeding? I mean the whole game the were using the stolen witcher secrets to create there own soldiers. What if they had already set this guy loose before geralt destroyed them? Also i think the big sign is the fighting style, he uses 2 swords for one, the same as the salamandra assassins throughout the game. Witchers only use one sword and are all taught the same and since we couldnt use 2 swords in the game i dont believe its a witcher. The only way i can think of it to be a witcher is if it is one from one of the other 2 schools that vezimir had lost contact with.......No matter how you stack it though we need a sequel now!!!
Spaztazim said:
No matter how you stack it though we need a sequel now!!!
I think that's the one part that everybody would agree with, no matter what their theory about the ending movie. :)
I think the Salamandra case is finished. Their mission failed and they lost their leader. Though you can't preclude they reform in the underground and return one day. When I read the experiment notes I assume the mutants Javed and de Aldersberg created are unable to survive because they considered all mutants as failure. But of course some may survive, a species that is able to devolpe intelligence. All other mutants were stupid, just "fighting machines".
just joined to bounce some ideas offfirst of all, I have no reference of the Wiedzmin universe other than the game and the Polish series... never read the books, not going to have a chance unless they are translated in either English or Greek... so, all theories mentioned here just focus on what I do knowpath taken: neutral (witcher) one, enhanced edition - maxed out the world quests (dice poker, fist fighting, sex encounters) I saved abigail (i hear that if you attack her, she curses you in the name of the Lionhead Spider god ...a cultist? she seems too nice to be one) ...I didn't kill the cannibal (wrong click really, then couldn't change it) ...removed the curse from both Vincent (furball guard captain of death) and Adda (the not-so-white-or-mentally-challenged) ...faced and killed Berengar ...supported the squirrels in the swamp and the bank, then chose to give both sides the finger since they only cared about more mindless slaughter ...sent Alvin to Triss (Shani is fun and all, but Triss is a magic user and a friend of Yen, more reason to give the boy to her... and don't trust her one bit) tried to keep him a decent guy (no kill the elf, protect others, use your gift wisely, etc) and later did not let the King of the Wild Hunt take JdA's soul ...I basically did what I felt Geralt would do (they kinda pound the whole Witchers = neutral thing into you) and what agreed with my own moral code (just playing a bit fast and loose with the no-kill rule)now, to the topics of this thread (and yes, I read all 42 pages... insomnia sucks)Alvin is most definitely the Grand Master ...the hints are kinda overwhelming and lots of people have done quite a meticulous job at pointing them out (something I didn't see mentioned... when Alvin appears in the GM's icy mindscape, his shadow is not that of a boy in rags, but of a grown man in knight's armour) ...to keep the timeline smooth, GM only had to make sure Alvin goes back in time, he does that by ordering the knights to show up at Murky WatersGeralt's ressurrection... not convinced its the King of the Wild Hunt (sadistic SoB) or the babelicious Lady of the Lake... however they both seem to agree that the White Wolf was in fact ressurected (could be by Ciri, as others have hinted) and for a specific reason (whether or not Geralt agreed with said reason is a whole different issue... at least in my take, he didn't exactly like the idea of Destiny)Assassin's identity... in my opinion there are only two theories that make sense without turning the setting inside out and convulting the plot with unnecessary sci-fi elements (yes, Alvin can time travel, but lets not have him time travel to become the GM then have an Alvin from a different dimension grow up to be a Witcher... as for cloning someone ...uh, what?) and both seem to be supported by the stuff you see in the gametheory #1: kaer morhen is one of the three known witcher schools and most likely focusing on the Strong Style (hence the wolf symbol used for it) the other two schools most likely focus on the Fast (cat) and Group (gryphon) Style respectively... now, its certain that each school teaches all three styles, or Witchers would be horribly ineffective (or pretty narrow in what they fight) ..it is possible that either one of the other two schools, or a new one, adapted to the new reality of the world, where neutrality is but a dream and started teaching a style focused on assassination (with the snake as symbol) ...I mean seriously, if they can kill Zeugli and Striggas, they can dispose of mortal men ...the impressive part, is that at least one other Witcher made it to the level of mutation Geralt is (to my understanding, altered eyes are a sign of this... and they don't all get the same colour) ...in this case, Geralt's expression is more along the lines of "damn... witchers have started taking contracts on humans... the world is going to hell" ...there is also a chance of the assassin being a rogue/renegade, but Geralt would not be as shocked, he already bumped into Berengar after alltheory #2: the assassin is one of salamandra's FAILED experiments ...the GM considered Witchers to be flawed, since they were not mindless drones, for him the Greater Brothers were the successful outcome... so anything else would be considered a failure ...now, the real question here is ...was the assassin an actual Salamandra experiment, or the product of some other group toying around with the stolen Witcher alchemy? either way, the end result is the same, someone out there knows how to make kick-ass witcher-level assassins... and that can only be a bad thing (and explains Geralt's expression when he sees the eyes)either way, someone out there wants the king dead (me too actually, but thats another issue) ...the one that hired the assassin may even be the late GM (unlikely, but you know how slow the post office can be ..or it could somehow be Plan C) or one of the neighbouring rules, or the next in line for the throne (sure, fixing the country is a hell of a lot of work, but makes for great PR)... or ...or... or... in the end, who cares? its clearly fuel for TW2now, two slightly off topic questions:1. how did Adda ended up with red hair and not a retard (as she is in the books)2. why is Geralt unable to use a torch when holding a sword or even the other small weapon? ...or am I missing something?
I read all 42 pages a long time ago ... and my memory isn't what it used to be, so forgive me if this has been mentioned already.The problem I have with the assassin being the creation of Salamandra or a Salamandra competitor is that the witchers' secrets were only stolen recently. Salamandra would have had time to mutate a person, but a mutated person is not the same as a witcher; a witcher has many, many years of training. Just having faster reflexes and quick healing doesn't turn a person into an expert swordsman, and the guy had to be pretty damned good to give our Geralt a run for his money.Witchers take children and mutate them. Is that just because children are what they get through the Law of Surprise, or do the mutations only work on people whose bodies are still in the process of forming -- i.e., children? If it's the latter, then a Salamandra kid hasn't even had time to grow up yet, after having been mutated; we don't know exactly how long Geralt's search for Salamandra lasts, but it's pretty clear that those secrets weren't stolen the ten or twenty years ago that they'd need for a kid to grow up . And remember that Salamandra was taking children in the Outskirts and that Raymond's son was taken, which suggests that Salamandra was also using kids, not adults, as the subjects of their mutation experiments.It's possible that Javed achieved some sort of breakthrough in mutation technique, where he could mutate adults. If so, he would have had to have mutated someone who was already an expert swordsman, then given that person time to re-train his body memories to work with his new reflexes and other abilities. And this breakthrough would have had to have happened quite recently, because he was still taking children while we were in the Outskirts, not so long ago.All of this suggests to me that either the witcher assassin is not from Salamandra, or if he is, he's the product of a new advance in mutation and one of very, very few to have undergone the process -- they wouldn't have had time to make very many.
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