Problem with Gwent? Getting owned by the AI? Want some tips? call: 0800-SCORCHED

Highly rigged ass bullshit computer cheat software program game. Save your saved files. You will be using them a

Again, HIGHLY rigged bullshit cheat program.

Back into the saved files.

Doesn't give my good cards...again. I have a stacked deck.

AI ends up with 14 cards to my 8 start of round 1. I get zero spies... what a surprise.

Back into save files...

Repeat until program software let's you win....

Still trying....more blatant bullshit... 2 sorch cards.... yeah because we all carry 2 of them. The software rigs the AI to have them when you lay down doubles.

Still trying, lololol.... so blatantly blatantly rigged.... draws 3 spie cards at the end to pass me when I was 25 points you fucking crap developers....

Back to save files.....again. Love how it keep my good cards away though.

Btw, this is in the tournament. Which I have beaten before. But the point still stands....rigged bullshit program.

Still at it, 3 decoy cards in 1 hand, fucking cheat developers...
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I've had great fun with my three scorch cards, three commanders horns (plus dandelion and foltest, siegemaster), three decoys, many spies and many healers, and Saesenthessis.

I only use 22 unit cards (including a thin group of heros ~ but not all, the 2 15s, Yennefer (healer) and Mysterious Elf (spy), and one or two other 10s, if I feel the need).
I don't recall the last time I lost a game, and losing rounds is rare against almost all opponents, while keeping a card advantage for the end-stage of round 2.
I've never had trouble beating the AI. Can't really recommend a tactic, I just believe in the heart of the cards and top-deck all le time.
Highly rigged ass bullshit computer cheat software program game. Save your saved files. You will be using them a

Again, HIGHLY rigged bullshit cheat program.

Back into the saved files.

Doesn't give my good cards...again. I have a stacked deck.

AI ends up with 14 cards to my 8 start of round 1. I get zero spies... what a surprise.

Back into save files...

Repeat until program software let's you win....

Still trying....more blatant bullshit... 2 sorch cards.... yeah because we all carry 2 of them. The software rigs the AI to have them when you lay down doubles.

Still trying, lololol.... so blatantly blatantly rigged.... draws 3 spie cards at the end to pass me when I was 25 points you fucking crap developers....

Back to save files.....again. Love how it keep my good cards away though.

Btw, this is in the tournament. Which I have beaten before. But the point still stands....rigged bullshit program.

Still at it, 3 decoy cards in 1 hand, fucking cheat developers...

If you share details of the pack, and the deck you've picked from it, maybe someone could advise you on how to win more often?
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