[Spoiler Alert] About the endings


Do you want more RPGs with happy endings?

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and I have every confidence the Aldecaldos can help V. They got an old nuclear train running AND hijacked a militech hovertank! It's not outside the realm of possibility the can jack a space shuttle
Why shuttle?)
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Not really. There are other supplements and Night City is actually less advanced than space. There's a kind of Gundam thing going on where the technology in space is like 20-30 years more advanced than what's on Earth. Arasaka is actually less advanced than what's going on in space and canonically, gets eventually left behind by Night Corp and other groups that moved into space.

So if we wanted to be cured, we should have probably tried to go to Elysium rather than stay on the shithole that is Earth.
My point exactly.
What did everyone think of the Johnny ending, anyway?

It's interesting that Johnny is so emotionally devastated by V's death. It's clear that not only does he feel that his friend giving up their life for him wasn't worth it but that he didn't actually have any plans to live himself. He has no idea where to go, what to do, and when he hears about Yorinobu planning to start his war with Militech, well, Johnny says, "Fuck it, I don't care. It's none of my business."

Plus Rogue hates him and he can't bear to tell V's friends that he's dead.
Well. We can safe the only person in the story that does not want to be saved.

That's saying a lot doesn't it?

Johnny-V looks miserable by the end and is forced to leave town. He is using V's gift to basiy do nothing. Maybe not even out of spite, but maybe, because he does not know what to with it. He is in this situation not only without asking it, but against his will. He already made his peace a long time ago.
Yes, he is telling V that he will not forget and goes away. Strange way to not forget it.

Johnny-V not calling Vs friends can be explained in several ways. He still does not care about other people's feelings (maybe except Vs) or he simply knows how ridiculous it would sound.
"hey vic, heres Johnny! (pun intended) hey remember V, who desperately did not want to die and get me out of her head? Well... she decided to give me her body."

Either way. V giving up the body and Johnny accepting it is both characters being out of character and acting totally against their motivation.
Isn't that where Mr Blue Eyes sent V? It's possible the Nomad ending could do the same

There's literally a space center on the map you can't reach.
Well. We can safe the only person in the story that does not want to be saved.

That's saying a lot doesn't it?

Johnny-V looks miserable by the end and is forced to leave town. He is using V's gift to basiy do nothing. Maybe not even out of spite, but maybe, because he does not know what to with it. He is in this situation not only without asking it, but against his will. He already made his peace a long time ago.
Yes, he is telling V that he will not forget and goes away. Strange way to not forget it.

Johnny-V not calling Vs friends can be explained in several ways. He still does not care about other people's feelings (maybe except Vs) or he simply knows how ridiculous it would sound.
"hey vic, heres Johnny! (pun intended) hey remember V, who desperately did not want to die and get me out of her head? Well... she decided to give me her body."

Either way. V giving up the body and Johnny accepting it is both characters being out of character and acting totally against their motivation.
I guess you could view that as the bittersweet part right?
Johnny get a second chance, redemption.
But also the burdon of having to confront V's friends and family at some point.
Or the nomads (not necessarily Aldecado, there are another clans and entire nomad nations) know a guy, who might be able to help...but not with resources and equipment at hand, and you need to raid some high-tech corporate facility in order to got the chance of healing. Nomads, as usually, get loot, V gets the cure, everyone's happy.

So, basically doing the last mission again?
I guess you could view that as the bittersweet part right?
Johnny get a second chance, redemption.
But also the burdon of having to confront V's friends and family at some point.

V saving Johnny's life forces him to clean up his act and be a better person. Mind you, if I *DID* have a head canon for V giving up their body, it would be played for comedy not tragedy.

Pandam: *gets a cab* I am going to motherfucking KILL that parasite, Johnny!

V: Welcome to Delemain Cabs! Now under new AI management.

Panam: *screams*

V: Oh hey!

Delamain's mission and the integration of all the other personalities back into him shows pretty much what happening to Alt. She wants to ascend to become a higher form of life and yet he leaves behind offspring. I choose to believe he becomes co-owner of the corporation with his new business partner.
V saving Johnny's life forces him to clean up his act and be a better person. Mind you, if I *DID* have a head canon for V giving up their body, it would be played for comedy not tragedy.

Pandam: *gets a cab* I am going to motherfucking KILL that parasite, Johnny!

V: Welcome to Delemain Cabs! Now under new AI management.

Panam: *screams*

V: Oh hey!

Delamain's mission and the integration of all the other personalities back into him shows pretty much what happening to Alt. She wants to ascend to become a higher form of life and yet he leaves behind offspring. I choose to believe he becomes co-owner of the corporation with his new business partner.
And round 'n round they drive, catching up and Panam totally forgets what she came for :LOL:
I guess you could view that as the bittersweet part right?
Johnny get a second chance, redemption.
But also the burdon of having to confront V's friends and family at some point.
It would not really be redemption, because he did not really do something to to redeem himself. Except not being a total arsehole - after the infamous night in V's appartement.

This is also strengthened by the way Rogue and Panam react when he comes back into their world.
It would not really be redemption, because he did not really do something to to redeem himself. Except not being a total arsehole - after the infamous night in V's appartement.

This is also strengthened by the way Rogue and Panam react when he comes back into their world.

Johnny did everything he could to make things right. It's just you can't choose to prevent someone dying for you.
Johnny did everything he could to make things right. It's just you can't choose to prevent someone dying for you.
Really, during the main missions, he either acted like an arsehole, treated other people like shit, almost gets V's body killed oh and makes it perfectly clear that he does not want to live anymore.

V defacto ignores johnnie's wish.

And I get the feeling he is secretly smoking in my apartment when he takes over. At least the full ashtray is a good indecation.
like laws, courts, civil rights, and medicare
I'm so glad that as a russian citizen i would probably ended up somewhere nearby this cool things)
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So, basically doing the last mission again?
Yep, repetition isn't good for the plot. Alas, the current plot is so fucked up that you shouldn't fear it becomes any worse in DLC)
my only hope at this point is that they stupidly included the plot cancer in order to prepare for future DLC, but were sloppy in the implementation so that the hints that there might be a cure are buried under a heap of misinformation and contradictory behaviour by V and those weird voice messages.
Doesn#t change the fct that the plot cancer is stupid because there already are ingame solutions we know might work.

Another thing I was thinking about. Some people claim that we do have ac hoice (chosing working for Arasaka, leaving with Panam or becoming a rich douche). But in fact, we never really choose that. We only chose a way to get to Mikoshi and based on this, we get these completely arbitrary endings.
Just because you want the help of the Aldecaldos for example, shouldn't mean you have to join them or run away with them. When Panam asked V in act 2 if he wanted to join them, I very explicitely told her that it wasn't for me. But as soon as I chose them to help me, I have no choice in the matter.
Same for Don't fear the Reaper. You can choose this option because you don't want any of your friends to suffer. Thinking about it logically would mean that in the epilogue, V would stay with his fiends and his loved ones because he went out of his way to spare them. Instead he goes on an ego trip suicide mission. So the endings don't even make sense within themselves.
Love this post....
We have no choice - no agency.

One could envision choosing one option then wanting to spend the next period of months doing something far different
Say - Wanting to asault arasaka alone - not for dumb glory reason like dumb writers inserted - but to save tohers lives and not risk them in a hail mary attempt at life
and instead of then spending next 6 months looking for a cure or spending them with your SO - no no no no - you become a rich self centered arse spending your money on lush condo and flying car service not researching places for a cure - and you get dumped by SO essentially/or dump them - to them take a near suicide mission to be a "legend" - I want to live - not be a legend. but it fits as this is johnnys game about a living/dead legend

or choosing the arasaka option - but once in mikoshi double crossing them letting ALT in - sacrificing not your friends but arasaka goons

the fact is other than going with arasaka
your other ONLY obvious endings are sacrifice some aldacadoes....
or sacrifice your own agency and let johny and rogue end the game - which is fair - they did rewrite the game to be about johhny - not V. just for once in a game lacking agency I wanted the final mission to be V's choice - V's alone

and if you dont want to get aldacadoes killed - you are s.o.l. with either arasaka or unlock the solo mission.
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