[Spoiler Alert] About the endings


Do you want more RPGs with happy endings?

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I've read different accounts of what happened there. In one version of the story, Alt loses control of soulkiller when Johnny storms the building which kills her. In another an Arasaka scientist uses soulkiller on her just before Johnny arrives.

This is about the original Never Fade Away short story from Cyberpunk 2013 P&P RPG.
CDPR made a lame job mixing it with the ending of the Firestorm campaign which was supposed to be a prelude to Cyberpunk V3.0.
i've done 2 playthroughs thus far, think i'll put this game down for a few months and wait for a bit of bug fixing, new content, etc. think i'll go back to swtor for a bit.
Sure thing... Game advertised as RPG where you play as merc searching for better life turns into RPG where you play as a vessel without a choice what pours into it
You can’t choose what role you want to play in this game.
No matter what you want all of this is brought to to one denominator

- you need to be goody good, do NCPD quests
- you can’t take quests from crime bosses, only fixers that mostly are running charity agendas, rarely giving options to do something evil, and even if you can do something evil (sinnerman) i implied that you should be goody good
- you need to take The Heist mission because you want to be a legend
- when a quests goes bad like really bad, mostly due to Dex incompetence you need to do it in the most stupid fashion, plug unknown chip to your port and drive to Dex, don’t go ballistic once guy starts yelling instead proceed like lamb waiting for slaugher
- become a friend with a psychopath that killed 500k people by detonating 2 nukes in city center, wants to kill you the moment you met him
- go one the suicide run where you will decimat many of you friends, since other option like making bad guys fighting each other is bad, because Arasaka bad
- die

Role playing at it finest
Because glory and fame are the dreams of teenagers, not knowing a shit about real life, really grown man cares not for glory.

This even Victor tell you that when you grow at older age you see how world really work and you settle for as good life as you can, and V is not some teen who don't know shit about life, let me pick what i want glory or normal life.
You can’t choose what role you want to play in this game.
No matter what you want all of this is brought to to one denominator

- you need to be goody good, do NCPD quests
- you can’t take quests from crime bosses, only fixers that mostly are running charity agendas, rarely giving options to do something evil, and even if you can do something evil (sinnerman) i implied that you should be goody good
- you need to take The Heist mission because you want to be a legend
- when a quests goes bad like really bad, mostly due to Dex incompetence you need to do it in the most stupid fusion, plug unknown chip to your port and drive to Dex, don’t go ballistic once guy starts yelling instead proceed like lamb waiting for slaugher
- become a friend with a psychopath that killed 500k people by detonating 2 nukes in city center, wants to kill you the moment you met him
- go one the suicide run where you will decimat many of you friends, since other option like making bad guys fighting each other is bad, because Arasaka bad
- die

Role playing at it finest

About Dex, if you will stay long enough in bathroom in motel, you will have the chance to hear his phone call where he is openly saying he will get rid of you... Why the hell V decides to walk outside the bathroom like "No, this talk was not about me"?
This even Victor tell you that when you grow at older age you see how world really work and you settle for as good life as you can, and V is not some teen who don't know shit about life, let me pick what i want glory or normal life.
Cause Victor is the best.
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About Dex, if you will stay long enough in bathroom in motel, you will have the chance to hear his phone call where he is openly saying he will get rid of you... Why the hell V decides to walk outside the bathroom like "No, this talk was not about me"?
Better. Why does V not go out with a gun in her hand, turning dex' bodyguard into Swiss cheese.
Cause Victor is the best.
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Better. Why does V not go out with a gun in her hand, turning dex' bodyguard into Swiss cheese.
at least in the cinematic trailer you put up the fight, kill his bodyguard and t-bug, and was milliseconds from killing Dex.
oh wait I get it..,
Another gutted version how this mission could be played.
the entire game structure is counterintuitive to the open world structure, anyway. I'm just replaying without side content (ncpd,gig, secondary quest like delamain).
I'm only doing main and characters-related quest and the game works better:

the urgency and the whole johnny's arc works if you only think about the main quests...so

how can CDPR writers think (or pretend) to insert a dlc into this mess during mid-game? In my opinion the only content that can work are only johnny-related dlc (and also something that can change the endings).

Everything takes into the post-story content, it's logic. If this will not happen this game is doomed, dead, broken and this will be remembered as a total failure, they have many ways to save it
the entire game structure is counterintuitive to the open world structure, anyway. I'm just replaying without side content (ncpd,gig, secondary quest like delamain).
I'm only doing main and characters-related quest and the game works better:

the urgency and the whole johnny's arc works if you only think about the main quests...so

how can CDPR writers think (or pretend) to insert a dlc into this mess during mid-game? In my opinion the only content that can work are only johnny-related dlc (and also something that can change the endings).

Everything takes into the post-story content, it's logic. If this will not happen this game is doomed, dead, broken.
And it would be so simple to fix it.
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