The Triss content and the inconsistency of our romance's choice


The Triss content and the inconsistency of our romance's choice

  • Dissatisfied from the lack of Triss content and want more

    Votes: 1,194 85.3%
  • I don't care at all

    Votes: 40 2.9%
  • There was enough of Triss in the game

    Votes: 128 9.1%
  • I don't like Triss

    Votes: 38 2.7%

  • Total voters
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The more I play though this Triss romance, the more frustrated I get. I think I sorta understand why CDPR writers went the route they did. First it is clear(and there is proof in other threads and quoted in this one) that CDPR originally planned ALL of the Triss content to be a 'Long Good Bye" story. CDPR's choice of end for Now or Never was: "...and she sailed away, out of my life forever...she would hate me for a while but I can hope, one day, she will understand why I had to let her go."

This point had been made before and I see the logic in it but I refuse to let myself believe this is the case. That they would close her final chapter in such a way, it's such a disservice to us and to her character. I sincerely hope this isn't the case but the why is not particularly important to me. Something must be done, that much is clear. Reading what you wrote at the end there also made me sad - I could never let Triss sail away. :(

Alot of people talk about getting a "Yen asked me here" dialogue from Triss. I didn't get that, where is it? At KM?

I don't remember if she actually says it. It says it in the journal entry though. Very last paragraph - I don't remember the exact wording but it said that Geralt and Triss were reunited at Kaer Morhen due to Yennefer's request. Kinda lame because I was definitely the one that sent her there. I wonder if you save her quest to do it in Brothers in Arms, if it says something different? @vcook10 maybe you could shed some light on this? Seems like you're the only one of us that has been able to hold off on doing her quests for so long. :eek:
Triss was always the underdog, especially since there are more book readers than gamers in this story. If the difference in vote was really significant I say something else but it's really not Triss 48.42%, Yen 51.58%. That not really significant seeing Yen dominates the book.

Triss might be the "underdog" in the books, but in the games? No, not if you count the entire game trilogy.

And I think you're sorely mistaken on the notion that there are more book readers than gamers. I think most people who voted on that poll have played the games, or at least TW3.

The reason why Triss seems so much popular on this forum is because a lot of people came to this forum to voice their dissatisfaction on how Triss was handled in TW3, while most Yen fans are content with how Yen was handled in TW3 so there really isn't much to discuss about her for the average gamer/reader.

Just my 2 cents.
I don't remember if she actually says it. It says it in the journal entry though. Very last paragraph - I don't remember the exact wording but it said that Geralt and Triss were reunited at Kaer Morhen due to Yennefer's request. Kinda lame because I was definitely the one that sent her there. I wonder if you save her quest to do it in Brothers in Arms, if it says something different? @vcook10 maybe you could shed some light on this? Seems like you're the only one of us that has been able to hold off on doing her quests for so long. :eek:

Can't believe they were so poor in the codex/journal to ignore player choice and instead railroad Yen invite. Infuriating.
Back on topic. This thread consist of open minded Triss fans and some Yen fan simply advocating for more content. Everyone has their preferences between Triss and Yen and I doubt they are going to switch sides. No matter how one side the game is toward Yen relationship I'm not going to end my game with Yen I rather be single but that's me and my feelings about the characters.

To be honest, after finishing my second playthrough in the Witcher 3, i became more of a "Yennefer fan". Dont get me wrong, i want to see more Triss content, i really do. From the very beggining i was planning to have my Geralt stay with her, because of the role play (loosing memory at the beggining of saga, slowly developing a relationship through the three games etc.) i was thinking about. Even with the knowledge from the books i was fully commited to that plan.
Then the Skellige part came, and i saw how good CD Project Red made Yennefer in the game. Same personality, same mentality, even her looks is perfect, just like in the books of Sapkowski. Last Wish quest is for me, as a Witcher book fan a masterpiece. After that i said to myself "i need to play this game one more time, just to see full Yennefer romance".

Overall, CD Project made two fantastic female characters. On side note, i just finished first Witcher, just to see how good it was. I have to give full respect to developers for making second tier character from the books so much interesting in the actual game. You have no idea how much Triss has grown because of the witcher games. That scene in W1, where Geralt is talking with Zoltan and Jaskier (Dandelion in eng.) about his future with Triss was really nice. Thats actually one thing i really wanted to see in W3, one big family meeting. We have a reunion at Kaer Morhen, but its really short.

Sorry for offtopic post. In the end, you have my voice for more content of Triss Merigold.
New gwint card of Triss.

I like the new card. And every time someone played her against me, it was like they found my weak spot. :lol: Geralt's card was the 2nd to last card I got and Triss's was the final card. A match made in heaven. ;) I finally did get all the Gwent cards too. :p

I'd happily take that. Hell i'd happily accept anything extra content wise by means of the expansions. More Triss is needed to create a more satisfactory experience. It doesn't have to be perfect, better would do.

This is my sentiment exactly. At this point, I would take anything to make it better. No game is ever perfect, there's always going to be some issues. I am not looking for perfection anymore - just better than what we got. There's a lot of things they could potentially fix and some would be more satisfying than others, but I think almost anything would make it better.

No matter how one side the game is toward Yen relationship I'm not going to end my game with Yen I rather be single but that's me and my feelings about the characters.

Yeah, it's all personal preference. I am just not a fan of Yen and Geralt's relationship. There's just something missing that I think prevents them from getting their happily ever after. They just push each other away too much and too often. Just my interpretation though. :eek:
No matter how one side the game is toward Yen relationship I'm not going to end my game with Yen I rather be single but that's me and my feelings about the characters.

That is how I feel, Yen was far to much of a selfish controlling hypocrite, and her good looks were not enough to make up for that. CDRP wrote her well, as a character she is very interesting and drives the plot forward, but she falls short as a person. She is a bit like Joffrey from GoT, I love to hate her :p
Triss 15915 (48.42%)

Yennefer 16954 (51.58%)

They go very close.

That poll was hosted on Reddit where Yen is more popular and Reddit tends to be a "hive mind" community where opposing opinions are downvoted and not welcome. Also you have to factor in that the game basically pushes you into a relationship with Yen. I guess a lot people of assume she is the "cannon" choice and go with her for that reason, which is complete rubbish.
Need more Triss!


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Hey I did this initially and message a dev I saw in another forum. Shortly after that we got a response from the dev in this forum. Can someone else PM him again and ask him to poke his head in here? I don't want to do it twice it might seem annoying.

He 's a Triss fan and he said he will bring up our concerns during their internal meetings. Can we get some kind of update? Anything right now will lower the fraustration level on Team Triss.

I don't think he would mind too much if you asked him for an update. Not like you are spamming him or anything. Would be nice to know whether they are at least giving it a shot and seeing what they could do or if they are deciding not to do anything. There have been plenty of suggestions in this thread to help them out and it's not like they have to make Triss exclusive dlc or anything. Most here just want a bit more interaction with her (especially for those who romanced her) and more reactivity from other characters should we decide to romance her.
Dont turn this into a war guys :p

I still remember the insane stuff from the Duty vs Freedom STALKER debates...
Glorious. But was more political, so it got more heated yet less infuriating.

As a Yen fan I want more stuff for Triss too (and for Yen too to be fair, but currently Triss has too little).
Triss might be the "underdog" in the books, but in the games? No, not if you count the entire game trilogy.

Thank you for recognizing one of the main problems we have on how Triss was handled on W3. Even if you are on the other team :)

And I think you're sorely mistaken on the notion that there are more book readers than gamers. I think most people who voted on that poll have played the games, or at least TW3.

The reason why Triss seems so much popular on this forum is because a lot of people came to this forum to voice their dissatisfaction on how Triss was handled in TW3, while most Yen fans are content with how Yen was handled in TW3 so there really isn't much to discuss about her for the average gamer/reader.

Yes and no.

This post is as popular because of "a lot of people came to this..."

Triss as a character is popular mainly because of how CDPR portrayed her and,perhaps to a lesser degree, how the books' author did.
Dont turn this into a war guys :p

I still remember the insane stuff from the Duty vs Freedom STALKER debates...
Glorious. But was more political, so it got more heated yet less infuriating.

As a Yen fan I want more stuff for Triss too (and for Yen too to be fair, but currently Triss has too little).
Dont turn this into a war guys :p

I still remember the insane stuff from the Duty vs Freedom STALKER debates...
Glorious. But was more political, so it got more heated yet less infuriating.

As a Yen fan I want more stuff for Triss too (and for Yen too to be fair, but currently Triss has too little).

I might be slightly bitter about the treatment which spills over at times into negative feelings for Yen but i recognise the best hope for additional Triss content is for both women to get additional content.
Triss might be the "underdog" in the books, but in the games? No, not if you count the entire game trilogy.

And I think you're sorely mistaken on the notion that there are more book readers than gamers. I think most people who voted on that poll have played the games, or at least TW3.

The reason why Triss seems so much popular on this forum is because a lot of people came to this forum to voice their dissatisfaction on how Triss was handled in TW3, while most Yen fans are content with how Yen was handled in TW3 so there really isn't much to discuss about her for the average gamer/reader.

Just my 2 cents.

I can understand sone of your arguements but, there are more book readers than gamers when you look at the witcher story as a whole.

The books been out a long time compare to the game (but let's drop this topic for another discussion).

When I say Triss is the underdog it's because she is, not just in the witcher 3, but the entire storyline. Being the underdog means she is a competitor to Yen but she had little chance winning and being with Geralt. She was fighting an uphill battle for his affection. Think about it, in W2 she was Geralt LI but the whole while in the background he's trying to recovery his memories and the players were aware of that. When he does recovery his memories, he goes looking for Yen present.

Developing an RPG is no easy task however, when an organization takes ownership of a character and build her up and develop a fan base like CDPR did with Triss, I find it difficult to understand how they thought it was ok or it would be pleasant to end her story in such a shitty way.

If you develop a game with choices then let it truely be a game about choices. Throughout the game loading screen said every decision has consequences and they may become apparent later. But nothing involving Triss had any meaniful consequences, it affected Geralt and Triss only and no one else.

In Novagrad Triss asked about Yen but there was no way to say, say i broke up with her or I with you lets not talk about Yen, or I'm not thinking about Yen right now or something along those lines. On Skelliga Cerys kept pressing about Yen, but there was no way to say to her there is someone else who Geralt cares about.

At Kaer Mohren Geralt tells his witcher buddies that he and Yen broke up and their reaction is oh. They didn't ask what happen, why or was it because of Triss. I wanted to tell them. I wanted him to have the option of saying I broke up with Yen because I couldn't let Triss go or I want Triss back.

I wanted him to have the option to explain to Ciri too. Triss is like a big sister to Ciri sure but, they are not actually sisters. If Geralt decided he wanted to be with Triss because it made him happy, the choice was was his (my, ours, yours) as a player to make. And I honestly think Ciri will accept it. At first she may question him about his choice to leave Yen, but if his choice makes him happy, Ciri will accept it. Saying that, you do get the chance to pick Yen or Triss but if you pick Triss it's halfed ass because, no one acknowledge the choice not even the game and if you pick Yen nothing happens that already would happen well except the end slide.

I'm sry this shit is really grinding my gear and it's seriously rubbing me the wrong way the more I play.

P.s. happy thoughts, More Triss, More Triss, More Triss.
*Technically, the games are more popular than what the books will EVER manage.

For good or bad, that is modern society.
Sure, in Poland or certain places in Eastern Europe and Central Europe... it may be the opposite. Not world-wide though.

If you are a Witcher fan though, I strongly suggest both reading the books AND playing the games. Or the opposite. Cause... that is the very best.
Friends, I have a question. In TW2 I chose to save Triss. Triss has said it will never forget what I have done for her. But TW3 almost no mention there. Triss did not even remember.
So it should be?
Already I passed the game, but nothing about the salvation Triss heard.
Thanks in advance.
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*Technically, the games are more popular than what the books will EVER manage.

For good or bad, that is modern society.
Sure, in Poland or certain places in Eastern Europe and Central Europe... it may be the opposite. Not world-wide though.

If you are a Witcher fan though, I strongly suggest both reading the books AND playing the games. Or the opposite. Cause... that is the very best.

I can agree that the game is more popular that is why the final game endong is so irritating.

From my prospective however, it seems the book readers outnumber the gamers because there are people who play the game and read the book, and people who play the game only. I could be wrong tho its just what I see from my pov.
Friends, I have a question. In TW2 I chose to save Triss. Triss has said it will never forget what I have done for her. But TW3 almost no mention there. Triss did not even remember.
So it should be?
Already I passed the game, but nothing about the salvation Triss heard.
Thanks in advance.

No unfortunately despite it being part of one of the big 5 import choices they decided to carry over for all players, the decision doesn't seem to be referenced by Triss.
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