Triss Fan Art Thread

Continue in #5 #7 #9 post[/size]
When you see the quote, click on the arrow next to the name, it will take you to the full post ;)
Pic by @Raoxeezer

[size=+2]A New Beginning[/size]

By @DaWitcher

Set after Witcher 3. After walked a very long and hard road to finally find what they trully wanted, the White Wolf and a Red Fox begin their new life together in far away Kovir. Still, even one small mistake and it will cost them their happy ending forever

Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

[size=+2]Happily Ever After?[/size]

Set after Witcher 3. Triss and Geralt’s life in Pont Vanis continue as normal, they keep working in the day then enjoy the night together. Sometime there are unexpected guest visit them who the couple always welcome. But with Radovid the mad king have triumphed againt the dictator of the South, the witch hunt still expand all over the Noth. The life both of them enjoy in Kovir may soon be over

All 4 chapters

[size=+2]Hard Time Ahead[/size]

By @Redemyr

Set after Witcher 3. With the Wild Hunt defeated and to the surprise of many, Geralt of Rivia and Triss Merigold managed to settle down in far away Kovir. enjoying a quiet and blissful semi-retirement. As new storms brew on the horizon however, unfinished business and returning old acquitances will soon threaten their newly found peace.

Part 1 and 2

[size=+2]Hunting For A Raven[/size]

By @Archtects
Set between Witcher 2 and Witcher 3. We join our antihero Geralt, after traipsing most of the pontar valley to clear his name, yet while doing so the sorceress Triss Merigold had been taken by the kingslayer Letho. Kidnapped from under Geralts nose, he set off in pursuit of Letho and most importanly, his lover/friend Triss. After the events at loc Muinne Triss and Geralt depart together to search for the sorceress Yennefer. She was out there somewhere. Geralt felt a unnatural pull to her, he knew he had to find the sorceress to make sense of everything, understand his feeling's for her. But what of Triss? What will the sweet scarlet haired enchantress make of Geralt's pull for a certain enchanting raven haired sorceress. Shall we?
[size=+1]Read and download it here[/size]​
Why are there footnotes in some of the chapters? Some of the things i have written may be brought up by someone , they feel they don't agree with or, perhaps, i felt i wrote something that maybe people wont necessarily agree with. So if i was unable to change what i had written i therefore would explain why, backing up with book lore or other cannon/game lore to back up why i wrote what i wrote. Or in some cases it is to inform you that a particular passage was suggested or perhaps such as the conversation was written by someone else and i simply filled it out a bit.

Why are you distributing it before its finished?
I desire this to be more than just your average fan fiction. The gap between the two games is a hole just needing to be filled, but by my self i am woefully incapable of doing this on my own knowledge of lore and such, there for i need the assistance of the fellow followers of this fantastic franchise to assist me.

Some of your spelling is a bit poor and some of the grammar is very wrong (heheh), Why?
This is being done in my spare time and at times i might miss bits or spell things wrong i havent had a chance to proof read yet, if anyone would like to i can send a link to the .doc and you could edit if you desire. however i will get round to fully proof reading when i get a chance.

Are you a professional writer?
Oh stop it you ;). No im not and thats probably reflected in my writing, i have A levels in literature and a shiny diploma (ooooh ahhhh) but im certainly not a writer nor was literature my main collage course. This isnt a FAQ ... i just needed to inject some self-deprecating humour.

I don't think Geralt would blindly walk to nilfguard in hope he'd bump into Yen?
No your right, but love is blind. and lets be honest a book about how Geralt walked back and sat in kar morhen for 5 months till he got a letter from yen ... is boaring.

Who do you prefer triss or yen?
I prefer triss by miles! but i refuse to allow this to affect my writing, i respect yennefer as a character! and agree that she is very pretty, and understand that the love runs much deeper so i will do my best to reflect that in the story.

I have something id like to suggest or include in your book, how do i tell you?
If you @ me then ill see it at some point. And happily try find a place to include it. Im grateful of any criticism, or something in what ive written you don't agree with, my goal is to make an authentic gap filler. I will include you in the beginning of the book and happily thank you if you suggest anything i can put in the book. Im looking for the following if anyone wants to put there hand to it:

  • ​Book cover art
  • information on vengerburg and other cities
  • chapter art? maybe for each chapter this i might do my self or not have at all.
  • bits of lore maybe contracts we hear about in game that happened in those six months?
  • people who geralt might have met in the 6 months

If ive not awnsered one of your questions dont hesitate to message or @ me. i hope you enjoy what ive written! :)

[size=+1]1. Collection album[/size]
-My online album (have many fanart, screenshot about Triss)
-0nakita online album (have many gif and sreenshot from W2, W3) Merigold?sort=3&page=1

-Link download:
+ @Brian6666 album download (have many screenshot in W3 about Triss)
+My Fanrt album download
+My Screenshot of W3 album download
+My Triss in W2 clothes album download

[size=+1]2. Fanfiction[/size]
-My fanfiction site (have MissMerigold, DaWitcher and Archtects's fanfiction in there)

-My PDF about Fanfiction (small one) and all explanation about Geralt and Triss relationship i found in the forum
+File Word download link:
+File PDF download link:

-Fanfiction outside the forum
+The Heart of a Witcher By Storylover90
+Temptation By Danish Existence
+Persuasion by Danish Existence
+The Witcher Elven baths by callum.lyall.9
+Green border by SootyPhoenix
+Sleeping In by chocolafied
+Lullaby by chocolafied
+Baile by Dynamitecoco_puff

[size=+1]3. Triss ecomotion[/size]
-By 0nakita
Many faces of Triss Merigold of Maribor. all 0nakita ecomotion

-By FarrySquall
Triss's topic is locked so i can quote the post :( (post #6644 or you can find it in my online album)

[size=+1]4. Triss's song[/size]
-By FarrySquall:
+Love Triss like you do
+Female official version
+Male official version
+Yes, i do....(W3 official soundtrack)

-By 0nakita
+Enigma - Boom Boom
+The Face of Love
+This Love
+My lighthouse

-By @TrissMasterRace: Now or Never theme extended

[size=+1]5. Triss mod[/size]
-Triss blue eye (By @deviataz):
Triss blue eye pic and gif in the party
Triss blue eye pic
in Pyres of Novigrad quest Part 1
in Pyres of Novigrad quest Part 2
in Skellige
Daytime party screenshots with blue eyes

-Triss with DLC hair only (By Sacren):

-Triss with Cerys hair (By Sacren):

-Triss with alternative clothes color, there are three (By Brian6666):
Red dress mod:
Various location (keep scrolling for more)
Light house scene (this and the next post)
Various location (Keep going to the page 99 to see more)
Fountain scene (Keep scrolling to page 118 )
Triss before final battle
Triss Red Dress in party
Red dress in party, keep scrolling to page 142, 143
Alternative clothes color, posing Part 1
Alternative clothes color, posing Part 2

-Change Triss's clothes when play game (need console command):
To see her without hood type setUnhooded()
To see her in regular outfit in party type setTriss()
To see her in lingerie type setBra()
Fountain scene Part 1
Fountain scene Part 2

-Add companion mod (need console command, use this to add Triss anywhere anytime ;)):

-Remove Triss's fox mask in the party (By @runaway_cd)
Triss without mask in the party, keep scrolling to the end of page

II.By Alexey25

[size=+1]1. Some fun story[/size]
-Triss, Ciri, Geralt in Kaer Mohen encounter some trouble (have many wonderful pic)
Part 1. Meeting
Part 2. Some fun between Triss and Geralt
Part 3. The fun continue
Part 4. Geralt disappear
Part 5. Fight with the Wild Hunt
Part 6. The fight continue
Part 7. Still continue
Part 8. Finding Geralt
Part 9. Ending

-Triss is the "damsel in distress" type ?? Base on Redemyr's fanfiction
Part 1. Triss come to Kaer Mohen with Geralt in UMA questline
Part 2. Find Triss
Part 3. Fun ending

-Middle length, very nice story
Oh how much I want to see the Wedding Triss and Geralt!
Small story in fountain scene
Before battle of Kaer Mohen
One winter day in Kovir

-Small one
Hmmm Triss, about Moritz
Geralt:I love to be near with you,Triss!
Triss:Hey Geralt,I found an order for Brooks,pay 250 crowns!
Geralt weird look
:devil: You will know when you click it :devil:
Once upon a time, in Kovir
Triss imagination :evil:
Triss in White Orchard prologue
Wake him or not wake him

[size=+1]2. Fighting pic[/size]
-Fight the Wild hunt

-Fight monster
Underwater pic
Fight the crone
Again various monster
Again Werewolf Part 1
Again Werewolf Part 2
Againt Forktail Part 1
Againt Forktail Part 2
Againt Forktail Part 3

[size=+1]3. All pic and gif[/size]
-Triss's portrait pic
Triss portrait (have many beautiful pic) ;)

-Triss's smile pic
Triss many smile pic Part 1
Triss many smile pic Part 2

-All gif
Run Triss Run
Triss party with her codex line
Hmmm random gif :lol:
More random gif
King of begger hideout
Before final battle
Hmmm....Triss before tortue scene (no harm done to Triss in those picture...yet ;))
Fountain scene

-All pic
Screenshot of the day in fountain scene
Fountain scene
Triss and Geralt in Pyre of Norvigad quest
Touch her lip
Triss in Witcher 2
Bad Wolf and Bad Fox

[size=+1]4. New video[/size]

III.By 0nakita[/size]
[size=+1]1. All video about Triss[/size]
Triss Face of Love
Triss is love and Triss and Geralt
Video make from various sreenshot from Triss's fan. Thank to all of you ^_^
Triss sex scene change :devil:

[size=+1]2. All picture about Triss in W3 (in all cutscene)[/size]
Triss in King of Beggars hideout.
First work together again - rat hunters.
Count Reuven's Treasure (tortue route)
Count Reuven's Treasure (spy route)
A Matter of Life and Death
Now or Never
Threesome. (I hate you 0nakita :lol:)
Decompressing statuette
Before battle at Kaer Morhen
In the Funeral
Quest "Final Preparations"
Fountain scene
Saving Philippa
Before final battle
Ciri Empress ending
Tris in The Witcher 2
Triss and Geralt at the party, keep scrolling and go for page 21, 22 to see many good pic hrom 0nakita

[size=+1]3. The wolf and the fox[/size]
Wolf and Fox Part 1
Wolf and Fox Part 2

[size=+1]4. Witcher 2 calendar (cosplay)[/size]

[size=+1]5. Picture using mod[/size]
-Blood of Elves :cheers2:

-All pic
Using mod to add some clothes, various pic (keep scrolling to page 144, 145) Part 1
Using mod to add some clothes, various pic (keep scrolling to end of page) Part 2
Using mod to add some clothes, various pic (keep scrolling to page 148 ) Part 3
Using mod to add some clothes (Add fur to Triss dress in party), keep scrolling 149

-All gif
Various gif of 0nakita i collected in one week

IV.By Brian6666

[size=+1]1. All fighting pic[/size]

[size=+1]2. All normal pic[/size]
Ciri and Triss in special circumstance :devil:
Witcher 2 pic Part 1
Witcher 2 pic Part 2

[size=+1]3. All special pic[/size]
Triss loose hair Part 1
Triss loose hair Part 2
Triss loose hair Part 3
Full red Triss clothes Part 1
Full red Triss clotthes Part 2
Full red Triss dress

V.By FarrySquall

[size=+1]1. All my attempt at free-camera[/size]
My First attempt (fountain scene)
My Second attempt (dock scene)
My Third attempt (Prye of Norvigad quest)
My 3.5 attempt in free camera (Triss, Geralt, Ciri, Yen)
My fourth attempt at free camera (use mod. Vesemir, Geralt, Triss, Yen)

[size=+1]2. Some interesting post[/size]
Best Witcher 2 pic and gif
Triss new Gwent card
Yennefer is too good at guessing.....
Triss and Geralt feeling thoughout the games
Two nice quote ;)
What happen if Foltest alive in La valette castle ?

VI.By Anthonior

[size=+1]All picture in W3[/size]
Short one about Triss face expression
In the dock, time go say good bye
In the lighthouse
In King of Begger hideout
Triss in the summit of Kaer Mohen (use Alternative look)
The tricky fox, legend said she will devour our soul if we look her in the eye :whistle:
Short one about Triss's feeling in after Vengebuld's party
Fountain scene
Triss kiss at the party
Alternative look in Norvigad
Kiss in the party
We'll die with dignity, weapons in hand....Not tied to a stake, begging for mercy
Triss's smile
Punish me, Geralt :whistle:

VII.By Trireme

[size=+1]All picture use mod change Geralt to Triss in Witcher 2 (all are interesting to look at ;))[/size]
In the prologue
I'm a sorceress, not a tomb raider!
Triss in Flotsam
Going hunting with a Lodge sister
Triss fighting Letho
Huh, Triss with Triss in the Elven bath :devil:
Triss is the outdoors type (Witcher 2 mod)
Triss Merigold: Temerian Secret Agent
Lots of fire and candle light in Witcher 2!
A few more
The Red Flame of Maribor
Caught an amusing pose- Roche is trying to be all serious while Triss is just relaxing.
More Witcher 2 pic

VIII.By msanx
[size=+1]All Poem[/size]

IX.By Premchand
[size=+1]Triss's drawing[/size]

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[size=+1]Continue in #7 #9 post[/size]​

When you see the quote, click on the arrow next to the name, it will take you to the full post ;)

Fun Section
[size=+1]1. By @xxRENEGADExx[/size]

[size=+1]2. By @Sarcen[/size]
I'm so sorry for this, but I had to try it, you know; for science.
It suddenly got a lot harder to break up with yen.
It's the ultimate blasphemy against the church of team yen.

---------- Updated at 03:42 PM ----------

I was sorely disappointed when the game crashed when i tried to do the unicorn scene.
The only way to do the unicorn scene is to not completely replace the entity, but just mesh parts, but it's pretty glitchy (things like the necklace bug out).

[size=+1]3. By @0nakita[/size]
Cat fight Part 1 :devil:
Cat fight Part 2 :lol:
Triss replace Ciri, keep scrolling to page 110 for more fun

[size=+1]4. By FarrySquall[/size]
Consprice theories on the handling of Triss
Triss, a new hope
Geralt trigger :lol:
Lesbomancy :whistle:

[size=+1]5. By @msanx[/size]
Triss Merigold sharp as ever!!!
A big bad wolf and a tricky fox
One fun story

[size=+1]6. By @Alexey25[/size]
Alexey25 said:
Dumbass Geralt :popo:
Yen and Triss in special circumstances ;)
Eye killer :laser:

[size=+1]7. By @daveyido[/size]
And then...
Picture made by @0nakita

Last edited: this thread is fan stuff......0nakita or farry will move this thread along nicely, anyway how far can we go with spoilers?, apparently this is the place for fan fiction and dialogue, are we allowed to take a particular scene from the game and expand on them in dialogue/fan fiction and put it in this thread?
Last edited: this thread is fan stuff......0nakita or farry will move this thread along nicely, anyway how far can we go with spoilers?, apparently this is the place for fan fiction and dialogue, are we allowed to take a particular scene from the game and expand on them in dialogue/fan fiction and put it in this thread?

Yes to all. Including fan fiction.

It would be nice if you use spoiler tags, but in general, I think we would expect anyone reading this thread to be familiar with the game.

Triss in Witcher 1
[SIZE=+2]Battle of Kaer Mohen[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]-All pic[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]-All video[/SIZE]
Long ago Triss and Geralt had confessed to each other in love and planned their life together.

Thanks to @


  • Triss_Geralt_after_funeral.mp4_20150822_223811.116.jpg
    124.9 KB · Views: 382
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Fan art by Izoldal

Also more dialogue + poems

Geralt talking to Ciri at Bald Mountain......

Geralt: We should get back to Yen
Ciri: I thought we should talk a bit longer

(timer appears)
Option 1: What about? (Conversation continues)
Option 2: Maybe later (conversation and scene ends here)

Option 1
Geralt: What about?
Ciri: I haven't seen you or Yen for a while, how are things between you two?
Geralt: Took me a while to find her after the amnesia, but things are alright
Ciri: I missed you, Yen & Triss

Option 1: We missed you too
Option 2: You should know Yen and I are no longer together (this brings up a small discussion about the romance situation, only applies to breaking up with Yen, otherwise this option gets replaced with a "we are back together")
Option 3: Come one let's head back (dialogue ends here)

Option 1: Geralt: We missed you too
Ciri: Ahh well a job well done, i guess we should head back now

Option 2: Geralt: We are no longer together
Ciri: Really? i hope you both remain close friends
Geralt: Yeah i care about her a lot, i am with Triss now
Ciri: i see (Ciri looks out over the cliff and then looks back at Geralt smiling), if it is what you want, come on lets head back now

Beneath a cold dark sky, a fire was burning bright
In the lighthouse at night
Two lovers full of delight
That were together that felt right despite
All of the struggles and their fight
To be together and reunite
Plans were made that made them feel alright
And the story continued to excite…..

On the boat in Skellige, Triss’ famous word Well
Put all fans through hell
Like she had been cursed with a spell
That made many dwell
On what could have been as fans would tell
Geralt tried to yell
To make the curse dispel
In the hope Triss would repel
The curse but Triss said her farewell
With a good luck that no one would foretell
I want to make new video with Triss, but I need Your amazing screenshot with sunset without anyone in background.
I'll be glad to help, do you just need a picture of the sunset, or do you want Triss to be there, do you want the sunset from the image I last posted or the one in Novigrad?
I'll be glad to help, do you just need a picture of the sunset, or do you want Triss to be there, do you want the sunset from the image I last posted or the one in Novigrad?
Just sunset, can You make some screenshots with different sun position, or even better can You make video in 50 fps how sun is going down, or point me where I can record it, because this place is amazing.
Just sunset, can You make some screenshots with different sun position, or even better can You make video in 50 fps how sun is going down, or point me where I can record it, because this place is amazing.
I will show you the exact location where I made those, the whole area has amazing potential for sunset screens, some great shots can be found there, I would make a video but I can only make one at 30 fps, since I'm running the game at around 40.


  • Sunset Map.jpg
    Sunset Map.jpg
    224.4 KB · Views: 308
I will show you the exact location where I made those, the whole area has amazing potential for sunset screens, some great shots can be found there, I would make a video but I can only make one at 30 fps, since I'm running the game at around 40.
Thank You.
In video I will use some Your screenshots with Triss, especially fight-Triss, if You don't mind.
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