White Hair Petition


White Hair Petition

  • True (White)

    Votes: 83 76.9%
  • False (Grey)

    Votes: 25 23.1%

  • Total voters
I'm ok with the current colour (although I would not mind if they made it a bit whiter)
The thing that actually bothers me in the latest material is the colour of blood, it seems a bit cartoonish and to bright imo. Does anyone else think so too?
What shampoos? Geralt's hair is white because of mutations.
I know that, I'm saying.. even if his hair was bright white, it would still get dirty, making it look more off white since Geralt is a monster hunter nomad is all I'm saying. :)

---------- Updated at 10:31 PM ----------

I'm ok with the current colour (although I would not mind if they made it a bit whiter)
The thing that actually bothers me in the latest material is the colour of blood, it seems a bit cartoonish and to bright imo. Does anyone else think so too?
show me!
The books and games make continual references to a real world that is much like the Baltic in the time of the Northern Crusades and to a number of scientific anachronisms. If knowledge of the real world informs how some of us interpret Geralt's character, then you can choose not to participate rather than disparage those who do.

Of course the books make references to the real world. But only in cases in which there IS such a reference we can make somewhat solid assessments. And we actually now nothing about to which hair color his mutations led other than what is described in the books. So it makes no sense HERE to argue with real world hair colors or albinos or whatever imo.
"Hair white as milk", "White Wolf"...etc.

All these are quotations from both the books and the games, and Geralt's white hair is a big part of his identity. What I don't understand is why Geralt's hair isn't white in The Witcher 3. It isn't even stable. Sometimes grey, darker grey, or black. I am not a technical expert, but I'm almost sure giving Geralt white hair has no downsides or difficulties. It's awesome, it makes him unique and true to his fame (white wolf/gwynbleidd)...etc.

Of course I'm not saying this just to complain. I think this is something that can be fixed with the time left until release date. I know a lot of you might think this is a small, irrelevant detail that isn't worth changing. "Grey is good, no need for white" you would say. But I also know that a lot of you appreciate the little details. When you see that the developers have given extra care to a small detail no other game company would've cared about. And yet, this is kind of a big detail, not a small one. Especially if you've read the books, like I did. I have been talking about this for a very long time. Geralt's hair, eyes, appearance... and I never got a response. In the poll I ask which hair color do you want Geralt to have?

I have attached pictures. The first two pics are instances where Geralt's hair is grey, which is 90% of the time. One pic is an instance where his beard is black. And one pic where the top of his hair is white (due to editing effects) and the rest of his his hair and beard are grey. I'm suggesting all his hair is made white. Or at least very close to white, and not grey. It really matters to a lot of us so...

CDPR, please fix Geralt's hair, or at least tell us why you won't fix it.

Thank you :)

Foltest ask to Geralt why his hair are grey... So I guess it depends of how the characters see his hair. I don't want them to become white again because I think Geralt hair are not white but Grey near white. I think The Witcher 3 does it quite well. In the Witcher 1 one Geralt had total white hair but I read it was for technical reasons. Can't remember where...

So I guess there are no true or false hair like you suggest.
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You guys know that Geralt also wears a black headband in the books? So why only asking for white hair and not for the full deal?

And I also haven't seen his skin turning all white and very pale after he swallowed his toxic poisons so far...
Settle down; this thread is no place for making demands of other members. If you just want to belittle the topic, you may excuse yourself. That can be by moderator action, if necessary.
There was a scene in the SOD trailer where he was fighting one of the Wild Hunt's lieutenants. His hair was grey-ish at one point, and then white seconds later. I'm going to hazard a guess that it's the lighting.


  • TW3 SOD Grey Hair.jpg
    TW3 SOD Grey Hair.jpg
    141.1 KB · Views: 87
  • TW3 SOD White Hair.jpg
    TW3 SOD White Hair.jpg
    129.7 KB · Views: 123
I know that, I'm saying.. even if his hair was bright white, it would still get dirty, making it look more off white since Geralt is a monster hunter nomad is all I'm saying. :)


I agree. Even more, in the bath scene his hair is not washed, it still upsweep ;)
I'm pretty happy with how the hair is in the latest gameplay vid.

Let's not forget how bad it was in the very early footage:

Great comparison. Big difference from early footage and the color looks great. Hair is a non issue for me at this point.
Settle down; this thread is no place for making demands of other members. If you just want to belittle the topic, you may excuse yourself. That can be by moderator action, if necessary.

It makes just no sense to me to specifically demand even whiter hair while obviously Geralt's whole looks is different from the books. I just don't understand why that little detail is of such importance while at the same time Geralt can probably fight under water now, uses a crossbow in battles and wears heavy armor.
With all due respect... this is getting ridiculous...

Please take a white piece of paper
... go outside on sunny day
... then go to shadows
... then go place where main source light is a candle and lets say walls are made of out of red bricks...

Now please tell me the color of the piece of paper under those conditions.
You can't expect Geralt's hair to be white no matter what... unless he gets new mutation - fluorescent white hair!
With all due respect... this is getting ridiculous...

Please take a white piece of paper
... go outside on sunny day
... then go to shadows
... then go place where main source light is a candle and lets say walls are made of out of red bricks...

Now please tell me the color of the piece of paper under those conditions.
You can't expect Geralt's hair to be white no matter what... unless he gets new mutation - fluorescent white hair!

hurr white hair is imposible

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