Witcher 3 music

I think they might do the same thing as Bioware did in Dragon Age: Origins. Remember Leliana's Song?

Hmm well Mikolai posted on the Soundcloud page to say it was an exploration track and is designed to be looped.

I think it's a great song, and I like the Vocals a lot, but I just don't know how I feel about the use of English Lyrics & that more typical "Song feel" as an exploration track. Perhaps it'll play in a part of the world where it works absolutely wonderfully, just have to wait and see I guess, and it's still a lovely track in general.
Oh, so it is going to be an exploration track...

Yeah, I honestly don't see it working too well then. Guess we'll have to wait and see if that's the case.
Now we need a "Dark Fantasy Music" DLC? :)

On a more positive note.

@Kyniek Wow, just amazing, thanks for sharing. Hearing tracks like this makes me very optimistic about Witcher 3's soundtrack. It seems like they're trying to mimic the soundtrack of Witcher 1, which is VERY good thing :)
I actually want to see some memorable Witcher 1 soundtracks returning, and by this I don't mean recycling and reusing them over and over again as actual soundtracks in Witcher 3. I mean using them once in a special way to bring about the nostalgic feeling for players who played Witcher 1 a long time ago.
About "Bonnie at Morn," yeah, it's nice, but I'd say this is the kind of track that ought to be played in an emotional cutscene or maybe an intro scenic overview of an area you've entered for the first time. The vocals are kind of overbearing otherwise. I have this same concern for a couple other released tracks, as well. For a track that's expected to be heard over and over, if there are vocals, I'd generally prefer them to be more in the background.
I think the vocals in Bonnie at Morn are a mistake. It just seems too deliberate or illustrative when the scene should take priority. I hope no other tracks put the vocals front and center like that.

Edit- ok so it's designed to be looped...not good. It will break immersion badly and the English VOs are out of place. I hate to sound ruthless but if this pops up while I'm exploring I won't be able to get visions of Julie Andrews out of my head.

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It's slightly frustrating because when you really focus on the instrumental aspect of the song it's really beautiful. Without the vocals I think it would make for an absolutely gorgeous looping exploration track.

Eh, I feel like I'm being too critical when we ultimately still lack a bit of context... Guess whenever there's something new released it's always evaluation to the max. Guess we're just voicing worries so no harm, hopefully it's just needless worrying.
I hope the soundtrack is more like in the first game. While I loved some of the tracks in the second game, overall it didn't leave the impact the first game's soundtrack did on me. The first game had this picturesque, oil painting feel to it while the second game was all serious. I guess it fit because of all the political intrigue and the journey was not as personal as in the first game. Judging from the Swamp part they seem to have returned to the Witcher 1 style. It almost sounds like a fairytale, a non disneyfied fairytale.
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It's slightly frustrating because when you really focus on the instrumental aspect of the song it's really beautiful. Without the vocals I think it would make for an absolutely gorgeous looping exploration track.

Imagine riding out of a village on Skellige that lies on a steep cliff at the shore, while the sun slowly rises behind the hills. While the people slowly come out of their houses to go to work, you ride up that hill and you can see the vast landscape of Ard Skellig opening up in front of you when this song starts playing.
Believe me, I have had this moment and it is perfection. ;)
Imagine riding out of a village on Skellige that lies on a steep cliff at the shore, while the sun slowly rises behind the hills. While the people slowly come out of their houses to go to work, you ride up that hill and you can see the vast landscape of Ard Skellig opening up in front of you when this song starts playing.
Believe me, I have had this moment and it is perfection. ;)

That's great, but do the vocals play again when it loops and you're no longer in that moment?

Does it even loop, or is it used just one time? Also, it's an open world, how do you ensure the player has that exact experience? Ah, so many questions.
Imagine riding out of a village on Skellige that lies on a steep cliff at the shore, while the sun slowly rises behind the hills. While the people slowly come out of their houses to go to work, you ride up that hill and you can see the vast landscape of Ard Skellig opening up in front of you when this song starts playing.
Believe me, I have had this moment and it is perfection. ;)

Well I guess context really is key.

Thanks for the response, I can see that being quite a moment indeed. I wonder if there's alternate versions of the track for different times of day... Would feel a little strange if it wasn't Dawn or at least before Midday.
Imagine riding out of a village on Skellige that lies on a steep cliff at the shore, while the sun slowly rises behind the hills. While the people slowly come out of their houses to go to work, you ride up that hill and you can see the vast landscape of Ard Skellig opening up in front of you when this song starts playing.
Believe me, I have had this moment and it is perfection. ;)

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