Witcher 4 Locations - What places would you like to visit in TW4?


What new locations would you like to visit in TW4?

  • Kovir

  • Dol Blathanna

  • Brokilon

  • Cintra

  • Vengerberg / Aedirn

  • Tretogor / Radenia

  • Ban Ard / Kaedwen

  • Maribor / Temeria

  • Lyria / Rivia

  • City of Golden Towers / Nilfgaard

Results are only viewable after voting.


Forum veteran
What (new) places would you like to be able to visit in the upcoming Witcher 4 game? Give me your top 3 or vote in the poll!

Mine are

1. Dol Blathanna - kingdom of the elves. This is long overdue since it was originally meant to appear in TW2 but got scrapped.
2. Brokilon Forest - the dryad kingdom. Dryads have been absent from TW2 as well as TW3. It would be cool to see them again.
3. Kovir - the kingdom in the far north to visit Triss (and possibly Geralt).
Always wanted to see Nilfgaard and Cintra in the games, but any of the locations we haven't yet visited in the games would be sweet
I kinda want to see what Lyria/Rivie is like. Queen Meve always seemed like one of the few good rulers and CDPR already did her great justice in Thronebreaker, so it would be interesting to see what it's like in her kingdom from a less royal perspective.
For me, it doesn't really matter but if I have to pick up one, I go for Kovir because if there are choices that are exported from The Witcher 3 into The Witcher 4, it might be possible to pay a visit to Geralt and Triss! It would be quite awesome :love:
All of them!

Since I could only pick three, I chose Nilfgaard, Brokilon, and Dol Blathanna, as they seem the most interesting to me.


Forum veteran
For me, it doesn't really matter but if I have to pick up one, I go for Kovir because if there are choices that are exported from The Witcher 3 into The Witcher 4, it might be possible to pay a visit to Geralt and Triss! It would be quite awesome :love:

I would actually LOVE to have a sidequest with Triss in Kovir since she is the royal advisor over there whether she ends up with Geralt or not.

That would be a very nice Triss cameo!
I really, really want to see Nilfgaard. We've heard so much about it but never saw it and the UE5 engine should be able to produce quite the impressive city.
I voted for Cintra myself. But other places are all appealing; I'd like to visit Brokilon forest as well where she first met Geralt.
I really, really want to see Nilfgaard. We've heard so much about it but never saw it and the UE5 engine should be able to produce quite the impressive city.

That would be awesome! But I think the game is going to take place in the North. The far north actually.

Here is what we know:

- The devs have said that the village in the trailer is located somewhere in the far north and it is indeed in the game.

So I am calling it now, I think the game is going to take place (mostly) in Kovir which is a kingdom unaffected by the war thus the writers don't have to deal with several different post-war world states and we are only going to hear about what is currently going on in Radenia/Temeria/Keadwen from dialogue options.

So my conspiracy theory is this:

Main Game Open world Map 01 - Kovir ( Similar to the Novigrad/Velen map in TW3)

Main Game Open world Map 02 - ???? (second, slightly smaller map somewhere else in the Northern Kingdoms similar to Skellige in Tw3)

Prologue Map - ??? (Similar to White Orchard/Vizima or Kaer Morhen in TW3)

DLC Map - ??? ( A new region entirely different from the base game, similar to Touissant in TW3)

And now that I think about it, we might not even get the second/skellige map and the main open world map (of Kovir) is just going to be double the size which honestly I am not mad about!

What do you guys think!
shocked and surprised that Iorveth's bedroom wasn't a location choice

Cintra and Dol Blathanna would be awesome. I'd love to see the homeland of the elves, and letting Ciri go back to Cintra would be a really moving part of the game, I can imagine.
What do you guys think!
Kovir is the most likely one for the reasons you've listed.
There might be a potential trip to Nilfgaard, Nazair or Vicovarro, because these areas were never in the previous games and weren't affected by the war either.
i'm pretty sure kovir will take up a huge if not the most part of the game. they forced it too much in the witcher 3.
i'm pretty sure kovir will take up a huge if not the most part of the game. they forced it too much in the witcher 3.

Yes I feel the same way. It's the natural best choice for the devs without having to create two entirely different world states of the Northern Kingdoms depending on who wins the war, Nilfgaard or Radovid.
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