Blood and Wine -- Launch Trailer!

Even though I wrote it down in the spoilers discussion thread let me repeat myself here by saying that I love this launch trailer, especially for all the classic monsters like Barghests or Fleders making an appearance. And as I wrote in the other thread as well: Please let there be a boss battle against a Zeugl somewhere in this DLC.
It would be so awesome.
Watched if a few times and it's my 3rd favourite gameplay trailer, after "Hope" and "Go your way". Got me really hyped for the expansion!
Thanks to the youtube "speed" feature, I watched it in slomo and silence, and that's when the butterflies went all a flutter.
The book references were heart-warming. I think I....I think I joined the hype train. Yep. That's it. mhmm. Hype. All signed up. Dassright.
Action packed trailer. They even went with some rock music to back it up. Should be fun. However, the thing is the two trailers that came out so far makes me think that it might suffer from some ''emptiness'' as far as the story goes. I hope it wont. But i think what made The Wild Hunt, different was the story being ''real'', down to earth and relatable. Something you dont see in video games nowadays. Geralt, a man, was looking out for loved ones. One step at a time. Doing everything he could to keep them safe. And Since it was well written you you felt the story so to speak. Not even in the first 2 games of the series the story was not as engaging and personal. That s what was different about the Wild Hunt and it worked i think. Now i can not be the only one to see that. But i feel the Wild Hunt was an exception and CDPR may not be sticking with that kinda story. Hope thats not the case.
I don't understand what you're saying. Combat music made for B&W doesn't fit B&W?

It doesn't fit this trailer.
I can't really imagine the music style of Marcin Przybyłowicz and Percival in an action fast paced trailer.

CDPR didn't used the ost in the game for this trailer, except at the beginning, for the same reason

It doesn't fit this trailer.
I can't really imagine the music style of Marcin Przybyłowicz and Percival in an action fast paced trailer.

CDPR didn't used the ost in the game for this trailer, except at the beginning, for the same reason

I must be misunderstanding this. Combat music from the game, doesn't suite gameplay of the game?

If you mute the video, the trailer isn't really that fast paced. The first 45 seconds have little to no combat. It's only about the last 30 seconds that do, where the silly screaming and fast cuts kick in.

I think a lot of people would say that the Rage and Steel trailer is probably the worst trailer for TW3. I think that the VGX, SoD and Elder Blood trailers, which have combat parts, all work well using in-game music. But that's just a difference of opinion, I guess.
Ok REDs, you're officially grounded from glam rock for at least a year. :p

Hype is still real because Garkain.

The bats were cool too. That sent chills down my spine.
I like the trailer and the song is nice, but their combination...not so much.

I love all the monsters from W1. I got a surge of nostalgia. Maybe i will replay W1 after B&W. It's been a long time...

Not sure if it's considered a spoiler,
I loved Regis in the books and was pretty sad when he died. Finally, an anti-lore addition to the game that i'm going to suspend disbelief for and enjoy to the fullest. :happy:
Impressive trailer (besides the music). I saw barghests too. Also, both male and female vampires were shown with those unusually long talons. Higher vampire attributes?

As for music, nothing beats Hope trailer. But that's Chopin for you.

---------- Updated at 09:12 PM ----------

It took me a few minutes to create, so it's far from being perfect. :innocent:

That's waay better.
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I've seen two dozen times by now since last night, and I will say the music choice is on point here. :3
Would like to know the artist that produced this music, seems like heave MIX, but it sounds good and fits great for the trailer.
Would like to know the artist that produced this music, seems like heave MIX, but it sounds good and fits great for the trailer.

EDIT: While the music choice maybe isn't in line with what people are accustomed to from the previous trailers, I feel that CDPR does not deserve so much criticism in this case. The trailer is full of action, and it is OK, for me at least, to be accompanied by faster music.

Maybe they could have mixed it up a bit to show the transitions better, but I really don't think it's that big of a deal.
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