[DISCUSSION] Witcher 3 - Reviews

let me guess, polygon or kotaku?

Not sure I saw that in a gamers group on facebook but it is irrelevant, especially when it comes to the subplot thing. Her design does not help either. It is like playing TLoU with some strange hot daughter or something. It kinda makes me cringe.
I'm personally not very worried about those small criticisms, take them into account, and compare them to the terrible things many recent GOTYs had, and games like Skyrim and DAI had, and I think you'll realize the worst things about TW3 are very likely things not being mentioned in reviews yet.

At worst the game sounds as good as the best ones from this decade, and at best, it destroys all others. Thats the best start TW3 can get.

TW3 is made CDPR, and the franchise is still niche and evolving, its going to get judged much more harshly than several other games and franchises, and its only natural.
I tend to agree with the reviewer on this one. The way CDPR advertised the game made it look like Skyrim, when in reality it is more like DA:I, but bigger. When Bioware advertised DA:I, they didn't promise open world, but huge zones open world-like

they specifically advertised it as "multi-region open world" and I believe the definition of the word "Open world" is still debatable even now. Personally I don't consider W3's maps like DA:I zones at all but I will not get into further discussion with what is open world and what's not. There's already a thread about it.
I tend to agree with the reviewer on this one. The way CDPR advertised the game made it look like Skyrim, when in reality it is more like DA:I, but bigger. When Bioware advertised DA:I, they didn't promise open world, but huge zones open world-like

I'm sorry but that is a bit ridiculous. In that case you may as well argue that Skyrim is not an open-world because you have loading screens to enter cities and buildings.

Seriously, how can that even be a point of debate when the No-Man's land area itself is bigger than Skyrim's?
especially when it comes to the subplot thing.

I don't really see the big deal.

Ciri had multiple romantic subplots in the books, most of which also went absolutely nowhere, and they never negatively affected her character (Except for Mistle, but I consider that more of a major romantic journey, and not a subplot)

Ciri also dealt with far worse shit in the books than the notion of a slightly open blouse with a little bra showing. We're completely lacking in context here, which is hugely more important when it comes to Story/Characters, compared to assessing other various parts of the game, it's not really worth pulling judgement yet.
Like I said, it got me worried about it but I will see it when I start playing the game next week.

The same goes for the main story being boring at times, hope this is not the case because I nearly did not finish DA:I for the same reasons.
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I tend to agree with the reviewer on this one. The way CDPR advertised the game made it look like Skyrim, when in reality it is more like DA:I, but bigger. When Bioware advertised DA:I, they didn't promise open world, but huge zones open world-like
If you've spent long enough time in the Creation Kit for Skyrim, it ends up not feeling like an open world filled with things anymore. You begin to see each location as a separate cell. Outside the cell in the Creation Kit is nothing, just black.

Everytime you want to adventure into a cave, tomb, town, house or whatever you need to load a new zone, a new cell.
So if we go by your gogmeister777 words, then Skyrim isn't actually a open world, but technically is just a world with 100's of smaller areas which have to load.

PS: With Dragonborn for Skyrim came a new island named Solstheim which requires loading screen to enter.
Then in Solstheim there is more loading screens for each house, cave, dungeon and whatever you want to adventure in.

The Witcher 3 is like the real world, you have Europe, Asia, Africa. You can explore each of the continents without loading screen, but if you want to go to Asia from Europe, you need to load one time. That's it.
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I actually see the opposite, reviewers looking for "bad things" to make the game fall shorter than the popular bethesda and rockstar favorites who get a lot of score points out of company/studio history alone.

I hope you're right, I rather be wrong & it is great but intution is saying there is something a-miss & the shady going arounds of CDPR sided with the Reviews confirms this.

All will be revealed on May 19th. (Couldn't help but think of this youtube clip when typing that)

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please don't mention DA:I's story anywhere near what the entire Witcher franchise's story have accomplished. It tilts me pretty bad:hai:

Fair enough but they are both semi-open worlds with fetch quests heuheueheueheueehuee.
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Mostly positive reviews, makes me happy. My only concern is the framerate drops and other technical issues on the ps4. I'm sure the gamespot review was also using the day 1 patch, unless I misread it.
Seeing as the devs have pretty much spent the past 3 months or more optimizing this game has me a little concerned.

Yup, I was right
"Kevin VanOrd has played all three Witcher games and read several of the novels. He spent about 100 hours with The Witcher 3 on a PlayStation 4 debug system, a version that included the games' day-one patch."
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Fair enough but they are both semi-open worlds with fetch quests heuheueheueheueehuee.

Well...if Witcher 3 has at most (if you do all of companions story quests) 20-hour long story filled with plot holes and uninteresting characters and 100-hours of fetch quests and more then 200-collectibles that ask from you Prince of Persia moves in engine not even remotely design for that, we could revisit this discussion :)
thread can be /closed
It was a dev build on development PS4s. It was sent out 2 weeks ago, and CDPR stated this morning that they have improved performance since then on all three platforms.
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