Fist fighting sucks so hard in this game

Fist fighting sucks so hard in this game

Literally wtf? Geralt can take multiple hits from a golem to the face or survive getting ambushed by drowners, but getting hit a couple of times in the face by common bandits and he dies. Just lol.

I'm currently stuck on the Caberet quest where you need to go to the halflings house and inside there's 2 bandits, they KO me in 3 hits. There is literally no room to move around, you're pretty much stuck and can barely move, parrying doesn't work and counter-attacking doesn't work half of the time either.

Any tips?
In this specific case even if they down you, your quest does progress as far as I remember.

But yes, I also can't get this to work out, I usually just try to live through those scenes and hope they are over fast. ;)
I moved up the stairs and that way only had to fight them one at a time. It took lots of tries. It probably is just better to lose and continue with the quest using the alternate route.


Forum veteran
Eh, it's subpar, true, but it's just a minigame, it doesn't exactly have a central role. Aaand it's a massive improvement over the TW3's QTE-fest bullshit anyway.
in those fights you can still use potions and signs.. so you just need to position yourself where they cannot attack you at the same time..
It is still the best fist fighting from all the three witcher games. :D I will always take this, compared to awkward turn-based fights or quick-time events.
Literally wtf? Geralt can take multiple hits from a golem to the face or survive getting ambushed by drowners, but getting hit a couple of times in the face by common bandits and he dies. Just lol.

I'm currently stuck on the Caberet quest where you need to go to the halflings house and inside there's 2 bandits, they KO me in 3 hits. There is literally no room to move around, you're pretty much stuck and can barely move, parrying doesn't work and counter-attacking doesn't work half of the time either.

Any tips?

Yeah, for whatever reasons that is one of the most difficult fights in the game. Fighting Wraiths or Golems 6 or 7 Levels above me is easier.

The only way to beat them is to use the stairs as a choke point.

What I also hate is the fact, that the rules for fist fighting change during the game. Sometimes you can use signs or even draw your sword to end it, sometimesyou can at least take potions, but sometimes you can't even dodge roll for some reason.
Keep your distance so they do a long wielding ranged attack and counter that, then do a heavy attack followed by a normal attack and dodge back. Might not be the ideal solution, but I can win pretty much any fight with this. It does feel incredibly cheap, but I yet have to see a TW3 fist fight that doesn't feel incredibly cheap.
i didn't have issues with fist fights. i actually love owning fist fights. i'm playing on death march. you just need to time your counter and it works almost 100% of the time for me.

technically i counter, hit a couple, move back. counter, hit 2, move back and when enemy hp is low counter and do 3 to 4 hits as geralt will make various moves with more than 2 hits.

like everyone said, the as i did, move up to the stair you so you can take them 1vs1. however, two of them might still go 2 on 1 in the stairs. just make sure you can parry them and proper counter attacking really helps.
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Hold the block button and spam the dodge button to get to the stairs. Even if you don't dodge successfully, you will block the incoming hit. Blocking drains your stamina but it drains so little that it doesn't matter.

At the stairs, you can counter attack all day; one fast attack, side step back; land one fast attack when they're about to throw a slow punch.
Literally wtf? Geralt can take multiple hits from a golem to the face or survive getting ambushed by drowners, but getting hit a couple of times in the face by common bandits and he dies. Just lol.

I'm currently stuck on the Caberet quest where you need to go to the halflings house and inside there's 2 bandits, they KO me in 3 hits. There is literally no room to move around, you're pretty much stuck and can barely move, parrying doesn't work and counter-attacking doesn't work half of the time either.

Any tips?

Move around, keep countering, fast jabs til one get behind the other in a sort of line. The AI is kinda dumb the one behind will do nothing for some time. Divide and conquer.
When fist fighting 2 opponents, parry the first guy. DO NOT attack. Parry the second guy. Now attack while they are both stunned. 2 hits and back off. More distance the better so they use a long drawn out attack which is easier to parry. It has been said above. This works.
I moved up the stairs and that way only had to fight them one at a time.

This. Also, don't forget about counters. When you counter, you seem to get some invincibility frames or at least that's what I've noticed. But yeah, the stairs helped me a lot.
Fist fight in W2 sucked. Fist fight in W1 was ok, but this one is way better. Never had any issues with any fist fight of the game, outside of the final one with spoiler alert
Just use counterattacks. Click block when you're attacked, then depending on how much enemies are around you either use fast attack (2 or more ready to hit) or slow attack (1 or 2) and then another fast attack if you see that you can do it without getting hit. Do not spam attacks - you'll be countered, instead always counterattack.
Fistfighting in this game is so bad! I find myself screaming at the screen about fights later in the game. So one-sided. I got lucky with that stair fight because I tried going up the stairs early on, knowing that I would have to "cheese" them one by one and line them up like dominoes.

There are so many cheap fights where the AI just owns you. I'm not that bad at them but I still can barely win - sometimes. AI opponents hit like "tanks" when compared to Geralt. I'm dodging, blocking all day and I can barely cause damage early in the fight. God forbid, my health drops below 40%, then AI practically knocks you out in 1 or 2 more punches, even with fists up to block. I haven't completed Novigrad or Skellige fist-fighting quests because they are so aggravating and cheap. The Velen bouts weren't bad.
Not to mention, you get pinned by some environmental obstacle or by the crowd and the AI keeps wailing on you while you can't move. Yeah, just lovely to stand there getting pummeled. I can do that too, stupid AI.

It's curious as a level 19, I managed to defeat Lugos, who was level 30, during The King Is Dead quest, only because I had enough room to move and dodge. However, later on in King's Gambit, when I was level 23, the Vildkaarls, who were level 18, simply destroyed me no matter what I did. There was less room to maneuver and eventually I would get pinned against furniture or the crowd. So stupid.

And does someone have an idea when and which rules apply? Sometimes, I can't use anything except fists. Another time, I cheesed one fight with Igni just to test it out. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this. I can't tell if potions or food work. Food (water) doesn't seem to work during a fight. Anyone able to clarify this?
Fist fight in this game is so easy actually, that you can defeat all quests (except for last 2) on like level 10 on the hardest difficulty.
technically i counter, hit a couple, move back. counter, hit 2, move back and when enemy hp is low counter and do 3 to 4 hits as geralt will make various moves with more than 2 hits.

Yep get into this counter pattern. Once you're comfortable with this you can also add in some quick jabs when they do strong attacks. Only tricky fights are you vs multiples (you need to kite a little) and against opponents that do mostly quick jabs (like the **** elf in Novigrad).
Seems to me everyone who's complaining about the fist fighting just isn't very good at it.

Here's a hint - all you have to do is parry and counter like in swordfights. Stand in front of opponent, hit block as soon as he winds up for a punch, counterattack, mash attack button until he starts covering up, repeat for the win. Easy as pie unless you're underpowered.

I also don't think it's particularly great or anything, but there are moments in certain quests where it makes sense that you wouldn't use your swords, and at least it's built around the game's actual combat mechanics, unlike the stupid QTEs in TW2, which were even easier and zero fun once you had seen all the attack animations.
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