Maybe windows 10 upgrade fix our problem
No mention of a fix in the 1.08 patch notes. No big surprise there.
Usual useless answers...a typical conversation with support months after game release...
it is not the first email I send them
On 20 July 2015 at 11:34, <> wrote:
Product: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]
Platform: Windows
OS version: Windows 7 (64-bit)
Processor: I7 3770
Graphic card: SLI ZOTAC GTX 970
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
Driver update-date: Latest
Product version: 1.06
Boxed or digital: digital
Vendor: GOG
Country: Italy
Game code: N/A
User email:
Problem description:
I have been waiting 1.07 patch with hope that the problems were resolved but incredibly was not changed anything. Cinematics are always stuck at 32 fps with much stuttering and the terrible animation stutter during the horse walking is words.... Several people having the same problems and no answers from you!!!!! Several threads and videos, for example: I bought a new GTX 970 (350 €!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) only to have the promotion of the witcher gift and I can\'t get a refund!!!! IT\'S MY RIGHT TO HAVE AN ANSWER!!THESE PROBLEMS WILL BE FIX OR NOT???I DEMAND RESPONSE RIGHT NOW
[/FONT]----Messaggio originale----
Data: 22/07/2015 10.13
Ogg: Re: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Windows - [2015-07-20 11:34]
Regarding cinematic stutter I'm not aware of any changes that will be intruduced to this, but you can change it yourself. Please locate the visuals.ini file in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\config\base folder. Open the file with notepad and change MovieFramerate=30 to MovieFramerate=60. Keep in mind that cinematic experience was created for 30 FPS, so changing it may result in some visual glitches.
Kuba Woźniakowski
My new answer:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]First of all are at least 1000000 times I answer you that with[/FONT] gog version changes to ini have no effect!!!!!Are you kidding me????Have you ever seen more videos on youtube or threads on YOUR forum??????
You also do not answer my second question!!!!!THE TERRIBLE ANIMATION STUTTER DURING THE HORSE WALKING WILL BE SOLVED OR NOT?????????
Does that nit picky stuff really enough to ruin the game for you? If yes, that's a shame.
You say it's nit picky, but here's the thing; everything related to player character controls and animations are what I would consider to be part of the basics (in this case, horse riding animations as well). When part of the basics aren't working properly, it messes it all up if you have to constantly deal with it. Unlike Skyrim where traveling by horse isn't worthwhile (without mods to improve it, at least), the playable game space in TW3 encourages traveling by horse, being that it is rather large. That, and traveling by horse is actually satisfying, stuttering aside.Does that nit picky stuff really enough to ruin the game for you? If yes, that's a shame.
Ok I can see that. But at the same time, ask yourself this - does this issue really warrant 133 replys? Has there ever been a perfect game that had no issues?